Manajemen Referensi Mendeley

08 February 2025 18:05:20 Dibaca : 19

Authors: Ahmad Kadir Kilo, Jafar La Kilo

Authors: Weny JA Musa, Farnawaty Zainudin, Ishak Isa, Jafar La Kilo, Ahmad Kadir Kilo

The context of global warming material also takes into account aspects of scientific competence. Data was collected through a multiple choice test consisting of 12 questions. The results of the research show that:(1) The majority of students' scientific literacy abilities in class VIII of SMP Negeri 1 Gorontalo as a whole in the aspect of science competency are relatively low, with a student percentage of 91.16%. Apart from that, scientific literacy skills in competency aspects, such as explaining phenomena scientifically (34.35%), evaluating and designing scientific inquiries (42%), and interpreting data & evidence scientifically (28.23%), are also relatively low.(2) The majority of students' scientific literacy abilities in class VIII of SMP Negeri 2 Gorontalo as a whole in the scientific competency aspect are also relatively low, with a student percentage of 95.68%. Likewise, scientific literacy abilities in competency aspects, such as explaining phenomena scientifically (33.95%), evaluating and designing scientific inquiries (30.25%), and interpreting data & evidence scientifically (30.71%), are also classified as low

Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Jambura Journal of Educational Chemistry

Authors: Weny JA Musa, Nurhayati Bialangi, Ahmad Kadir Kilo

Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Permata Kecamatan Paguyaman Kabupaten Boalemo. Masalah penurunan produktivitas padi di Boalemo salah satunya disebabkan oleh adanya hama. Penggunaan pestisida sintetik yang direkomendasikan pemerintah dapat mengendalikan populasi hama namun, berdampak pada lingkungan yakni 3R (Resurgensi hama, residu pestisida sintetik, dan Resistensi hama) sehingga diperlukan pestisida alternetif. Tubile merupakan tanaman yang ada di Desa Permata dan berpotensi sebagai pestisida nabati. Metode pengabdian ini dilakukan dua tahap yakni tahap persiapan dan tahap pelaksanaan program. Hasil panen dapat menghasilkan gabah kering sebanyak 9.331 Kg/Ha, sedangkan gabah kering yang dari pestisida sintetik dalam 1 Hektar tanah dapat menghasilkan gabah kering sebanyak 6.665 Kg/Ha.

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Community Services on Multidisciplinary Sciences

Authors: Nurhayati Bialangi, Erni Mohamad, Mangara Sihaloho, Ahmad Kadir Kilo, Julhim S Tangio

This service activity aims to provide training on making vegetable pesticides to farmers and housewives. As an alternative to controlling plant insect pests, the use of vegetable pesticides is considered safe to use. Botanical Pesticides are pesticides whose active ingredients come from plants or herbs and other organic materials which are efficacious in controlling pest attacks on plants. This pesticide does not leave harmful residues on plants or the environment and can be made easily using inexpensive materials and simple equipment. Vegetable pesticides are relatively easy to make with natural or vegetable ingredients which make these pesticides easy to decompose in nature so they don't pollute the environment. This organic pesticide is able to overcome and repel pests that destroy agricultural and plantation crops in general, such as fleas, caterpillars, grasshoppers and so on. The method used is direct training to groups of housewives and vegetable farmers using innovative technology. From the results of the implementation of these activities, the community was very enthusiastic about participating in these activities and was interested in making/producing their own pesticides from materials that are easy to obtain from the surrounding environment

Vol 2, No 1, (2023): Damhil: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Authors: Boima Situmeang, Elsa Muamaliyah, Nani Yulianti, Ahmad Kadir Kilo

Tanaman sirih kuning dengan nama latin Piper betle adalah tumbuhan yang hidup pada iklim tropis. Tumbuhan sirih kuning merupakan tanaman dari family Piperaceae. Uji fitokimia pada daun sirih kuning menunjukan adanya kandungan senyawa metabolit sekunder seperti alkaloid, terpenoid, saponin, phenolic, flavonoid, dan tanin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengekstraksi daun sirih kuning dan menguji aktivitas antioksidan. Ekstraksi sampel dilakukan dengan metode maserasi bertingkat dengan menggunakan pelarut n-heksana dan etil asetat. Pengujian aktivitas antioksidan dengan metode DPPH menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Visible. Rendemen ekstrak etil asetat yang diperoleh sebesar 3, 0% dan rendemen ekstrak n-heksana diperoleh sebesar 1, 0%. Nilai IC 50 yang dihasilkan dari ekstrak etil asetat yaitu 35,490 ppm dan nilai IC 50 yang dihasilkan dari ekstrak n-heksana yaitu 1.106, 015 ppm. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian aktivitas antioksidan ektrak etil asetat tanaman sirih kuning termasuk dalam kategori sangat sedangkan aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak n-heksana tergolong sangat lemah.

Vol. 3, No. 1, (2023): Jurnal Medika & Sains



  • Masih Kosong