The potential of carbon biomass value on Rhizophoraceae stem in Tabongo, Boalemo District, Gorontalo Province

03 April 2018 18:59:27 Dibaca : 956


1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 6, Gorontalo City 96128, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. Tel: +62 812-4259-8182, ♥Email:
2Center of Coastal Ecology Studies Based on Local Wisdom, Department of Biology, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 6, Gorontalo City 96128, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia


This study aimed to examine the potential carbon biomass value Rhizophoraceae stem. The study focused on description of the potential carbon biomass value on Rhizophoraceae stem. The study was conducted in Tabongo, Boalemo District, Gorontalo Province. The method used is a descriptive, while data analysis using quantitative descriptive method. The collection of data using the point center quarter meter (PCQM) method with make a line transect perpendicular from the coast toward the land. Four sampling point placed random research to be pushed. At each sampling point there are four quadrants. The calculation of the value of biomass carbon done with the measurement of the diameter of the tree 1.3 m above the surface of the ground. The calculation of the density of the vegetation using common mangrove allometry. The value of biomass carbon estimated by multiplying the value of biomass with carbon constant 50%. The research results obtained that biomass value of Rhizophoraceae stem was 15,708.88 kg/ ha or 245.45 kg/tree. Now the carbon in biomass in the stem of the mangrove was 7,854.44 kg/ha or 122.73 kg/tree. The average absorbed-carbon on the Rhizophoraceae was 450.40 kg/tree.

Keywords: Mangrove, rhizophoraceae, biomass, carbon


  • Masih Kosong


  • Masih Kosong