Optimasi Trim Loss menggunakan Integer Linear Programming pada Cutting Stock Problem untuk Industri Meubel

12 March 2025 09:59:40 Dibaca : 6

Every human being needs a beautiful layout for the house, such as cabinets, chairs, tables, etc. are called furniture. Furniture is a term used for household furniture that functions as a seat, bed, a place to store goods, a place to work such as a table, and a place to put things. The furniture itself is produced by the furniture industry. In the furniture industry, the problem that is often faced is regarding the remaining raw materials used. The problem of remaining raw materials exists in every material cutting production process because the demand for raw materials for each production is different. Losses arising from suboptimal cutting are called trim losses. Trim loss can be minimized by using the Cutting Stock Problem (CSP) method with the Integer Linear Programming (ILP) approach with the help of LINGO 11.0 software. The results obtained are optimum because the cutting of the remaining raw material is a minimum.

Vol 12, No 1 (2021) : AKSIOMA : Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika


  • Masih Kosong


  • Masih Kosong