Roles of the computers: What do they say?
Ivan Rismi Polontalo - 24 January 2013
The era of technology has affected human life. Computers, one of the most popular technologies, integrate into almost all human activities. It has been integrated into most school curriculums as a ...
The Laws of Computing (Jokes)
Suleman Bouti - 23 January 2013
When computing, whatever happens, behave as though you meant it to happen.When you get to the point where you really understand your computer, it's probably obsolete.The first place to look for inf...
Fungsi Sastra
Herman Didipu - 09 January 2013
Secara umum, sastra mempunyai dua manfaat atau fungsi utama sebagaimana dikemukakan oleh Horatius, yaitu dulce et utile (dalam bahasa Latin, sweet and useful). Dulce (sweet) berarti sangat menyenan...
Farid Muhamad - 09 January 2013
Semoga materi-materi kuliah ini dapat menambah pengetahuan kita semua
Selamat Natal 2012 bagi yang merayakan dan Tahun Baru 2013
Muslimin - 25 December 2012
Translation techniques
Fahria Malabar - 21 December 2012
Translation techniques, that may seem countless, were condensed to just seven in a increasing order of complexity. They are used on their own or in combination. The techniques analyzed in the work...
Tutup Buku
Salam - 18 December 2012
Setiap mengakhiri tahun masehi,,,khususnya bulan Desember,,,orang-orang yang berkecimpung dibidang keuangan pasti sibuk. Kesibukan itu karena harus menyusun laporan akhir keuangan yang dibelanjakan...