Authors: Weny JA Musa, Suleman Duengo, Ahmad Kadir Kilo

VEGETABLE BIOPESTICIDE FROM GORONTALO TRADITIONAL PLANTS IN MUSTIKA VILLAGE, BOALEMO. Most of the villagers of Mustika are farmers who use chemical pesticides in dealing with pests that have negative effects on plants, the environment and public health, so biopesticides are needed as a substitute for these chemical pesticides. Tombili and tubile are plants that are often found in Mustika Village, and can be used as biopesticides. This method of service is through the preparation and briefing stages as well as the implementation phase of the program. In the preparation stage, an initial survey of the location of the Community Service Program is carried out. The surveyed location is in the village of Mustika, Kec. Paguyaman, Kab. Boalemo The debriefing phase of the Community Service Program Supervisor team to equip students with biopesticides. At the implementation stage the program begins with the preparation and application of rice plants. The yields obtained by the largest grain of tombili water extracted dried rice were at a concentration of 0.01%, with a dry grain weight of 7.998 kg/ha, while for tubile extract the largest weight of dry grain was at a concentration of 0.25% with a weight of dry grain as much as 9.331 Kg / Ha. For the control or untreated rice produces dry rice of 2,666 kg/ha, whereas for samples using chemical pesticides, 6,665 kg / ha of dry rice were produced.


Authors: Ahmad Kadir Kilo, Achmad Zainuddin, Darwati Darwati

4-methyl acid octanoat and ethyl-4-methyl Oktanoat aggregation of kumbang badak (Oryctes rhinoceros Linn) using Mannich's reaction and Claisen rearrangement has been synthesized. The synthesis of compounds includes five phases: synthesis, separation, purification and structure determination. The pure compounds produced from each stage of further synthesis are characterised using mass spectroscopy and infra-red spectroscopy. 4-Methiloctanoic acid synthesis products and ethyl-4-methyloktanoat pheromone aggregation kumbang badak (Oryctes rhinoceros Linn) use Mannich reaction and Claisen rearrangement 50.53% and 63.69% respectively.

Vol 1, No 2 (2019), Jambura Journal of Chemistry

Authors: Weny J.A Musa, Suleman Duengo, Ahmad Kadir Kilo

Tinospora crispa is a plant of the Menispermaceae family which is one of the endemic plants in Indonesia, commonly called as Brotowali. Tinospora crispa have been used traditionally to treat fever, diabetes, rheumatism and sinusitis. The chemical components of the plant have not been reported so far. This study is intended to know the molecular structures of isolated compound of methanol fraction from T. crispa stem bark. Extraction using maceration method with n-hexana, ethyl acetate and methanol as a solvents. The chemical structures of compounds were elucidated with spectroscopic data (IR, 1H, 13C, DEPT 135º, HMQC, HMBC, 1H-1H COSY NMR) and MS as well as compared with previously reported spectra data. and spectral data with the literature. In previously study, campesterol have anticholesterol and antiangiogenic activities.

Atlantis Highlights in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences: Proceedings of the National Seminar on Chemistry 2019 (SNK-19)

Authors: Ahmad Kadir Kilo, Ishak Isa, Weny JA Musa

The purpose of this research is to measure Linoleic Acid and Linolenic Acid Level in Tofu and Fermented Soybean Cake through Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. This is a laboratory research that use tofu and fermented soybean cake from Telaga traditional market as the sample of research. Sample was extracted by using n-hexane to produce oil. Then, oil was hydrolyzed by using KOH liquid and H2SO4 as a catalyst to get the free fatty acid. Then, it was converted to metil ester by using CH3OH as a solvent and H2SO4 as a catalyst for the necessity of fatty acid analysis. This research used Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry to identify Linoleic Acid and Linolenic Acid Level in the sample. The analysis result shows that the biggest component of metil ester in tofu and soybean cake are dominated by metil linoleic (metil 9.12-octadekadienoat) with percentage 55.25% and 27.08% for each. Mean, the linolenic acid in tofu and fermented soybean cake cannot be detected by GC-MS. It is caused by the fermentation time, high temperature during production and fermentation, and humidity in the sample. Therefore, a further research is necessary to investigate level of linolenic acid. In tofu and fermented soybean cake.

Vol. 06, No. 06, 2012: Jurnal Sainstek




  • Masih Kosong