
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a principal indicator used to measure the economiccondition of a country. Indonesia’s GDP growth from 2017 to 2019 was approximately6 percent; however, it experienced a decline in 2020 and 2021, with rates of only -0.02 percentand 2.41 percent, respectively. In the process of economic development planning, a forecastingsystem is required to determine GDP in the future. The forecasting method employed in thisresearch is fuzzy time series optimized using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), to enhancethe accuracy and convergence of forecasted values. The dataset used comprises secondary data,specifically 54 sets of Indonesian GDP data spanning from the first quarter of 2010 to the secondquarter of 2023. The analysis results indicate that the proposed method is better than the conventionalfuzzy time series approach. The former method provides a predictive value for one periodin the future with a Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) value of 4.40%. In contrast, thelatter yields higher predictive values with a MAPE value of 7.93%.

Keywords: Forecasting model; Gross domestic product; Fuzzy time series; Particle swarm optimization.

Klasifikasi Menggunakan Regresi Komponen Utama Kernel

03 December 2015 13:44:50 Dibaca : 1113
[Tanpa Konten]

Jurnal Instan

28 March 2013 14:41:36 Dibaca : 965

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Mau punya “paper instan” atas nama anda? Mungkin link di bawah ini bisa “memenuhi” keinginan anda. Tapi jangan salah, tujuan paper generation disini adalah “ to maximize amusement, rather than coherence”, lebih pada peningkatan nilai paper sebagai “bahan tertawaan”. Saya tadinya juga heran saat pertama diberitahu supervisor saya tentang link ini, tapi akhirnya saya memahami bahwa tujuan mereka adalah untuk ngetest konferensi atau jurnal abal-abal yang hanya mementingkan pemasukan dana. Lebih lanjut silahkan simak deskripsi mereka dan “layanannya”pun bisa langsung dinikmati…..

antoniuscp fkip


klik "Jurnal Instan" di blogroll

  1. Klasifikasi dan analisis diskriminan pada pada data multivariat. Seminar Hasil Penelitian MIPA, 28-29/9/2012, FMIPA UGM Yogyakarta
  2. KPCA pada klasifikasi maximum likelihood. Konferensi Nasional Matematika VI, 3-6/7/2012, UNPAD Bandung
  3. Principal component analysis as input processing for the obyect data classification. The 6th SEAMS-GMU International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications, 12-15/7/2011, Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta
  4. Ekstraksi fitur data remote sensing. Seminar Nasional Matematika 2010, 06/02/2010, UI Depok
  5. Rule-based classification pada data remote sensing di atas wilayah Kota Gorontalo. Konferensi Nasional Matematika XV, 30/6-3/7/2010, UNIMA Manado
  6. Visualisasi data melalui PCA dibandingkan dengan KPCA. Seminar Nasional Matematika 2009, 28/2/2009, UNEJ Jember
  7. Analisis komponen utama probabilistik pada data missing. Forum Komunikasi Mahasiswa S3 Matematika se-Indonesia 2008, 31/5/2008, UGM Yogyakarta

Refensi Proposal Penelitian Fundamental 2013

24 March 2013 08:59:25 Dibaca : 1894


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