National Seminar "Leadership, Culture, and Language: The Role of Indonesian Youth for Better Future"

07 March 2022 12:38:51 Dibaca : 327 Kategori : Based-Learning Projects



National seminar on leadership, culture and language was organised by the student of the Education Management Department as part of their project-based learning in my classes: Kepemimpinan, Wawasan Budaya dan Bahasa Inggris terapan. The national seminar was held on Saturday, 18th of December 2021 via zoom, attended by 250+ participants from Gorontalo university students and students from the number of Indonesian universities in Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, Papua, and Maluku. This event was held by presenting 3 panellists from different backgrounds and talking about their area of expertise. 


National WebinarLeadership, Culture and Language: The Role of Indonesian Youth for Better Future

Meet our Esteemed speakers:

Moh. Syahrun Ibrahim, S.Pd, M.Ed (Lead.&Mgmt.), PhD Lecturer and Researcher, English Department, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo talked about Leadership and Youth: Preservation of Local Language and Cultures

Dr. Yanto, S.Pd, M.EdLecturer and Youtuber, English Education Study Program, Universitas Jambi, talked about English and Youtube: English Skills for Future Career Choice for Youth

Citra Kumala, S.E., BBA, M.Sc.Research Analyst, The World Bank, talked about Studying Abroad: Academic Culture, Learning Experiences and Aspiration for Youth Leadership


This event provided free e-certicate.

some lucky participants won some gifts from the committee and the winner got books (gifts from Pak Syahrun and Pak Yanto), Mobile Credits (from AMI Foundation as Sponsor), and Restaurant Coupons (from Arafah Cafe as Sponsor)

In conclusion, The students were more than capable of managing and coordinating such event when they put their best efforts into the projects and given full support on the project they did.

The event was success and everybody earned good grade from their hard work. 


See you in the future seminars!