Alfi Sahri Remi Baruadi1, La Nane2

1,2Jurusan Manajemen Sumber Daya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Email:



Bulu Babi (sea urchin) merupakan salah satu produk perikanan penting yang telurnya dapat dikonsumsi baik dalam keadaan segar maupun olahan. Sayangnya Bulu Babi belum dimanfaatkan karena dianggap beracun dan bila dikonsumsi dapat menimbulkan kematian. Karena itu, perlu dilakukan edukasi pada masyarakat melalui kegiatan penyuluhan bagaimana cara mengonsumsi dan membudidayakan Bulu Babi dengan sistem keramba jaring apung. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di desa Lambangan, kecamatan Pagimana, Sulawesi Tengah selama dua bulan (Februari 2020–Maret 2020 dengan melibatkan 25 masyarakat nelayan dan 30 mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Gorontalo sebagai pendamping masyarakat. Hasil dari kegiatan penyuluhan dan simulasi yang kami laksanakan telah mengubah paradigma masyarakat yang tadinya menganggap Bulu Babi sebagai biota laut beracun menjadi sesuatu yang dapat dikonsumsi dan dapat diperjualbelikan di pasar-pasar lokal. Selain itu, masyarakat juga telah menguasai dan mampu menerapkan konstruksi keramba budi daya Bulu Babi yang dilaksanakan melalui metode praktik simulasi pembuatan keramba jaring apung.



Bulu Babi; Penyuluhan; Keramba Jaring Apung


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Nane, L., Baruadi, A. S. R., & Mardin, H. (2020). Density of the blue-black urchin Echinotrix diadema (Linnaeus, 1758) in Tomini Bay, Indonesia. Tomini Journal of Aquatic Science, 1(1), 16–21.

Nane, L., & Paramata, A. R. (2020). Im-pact of Overfishing on Density and Test-Diameter Size of the Sea Ur-chin Tripneustes gratilla at Wa-katobi Archipelago, South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 25(2), 53–56.

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La Nane

Jurusan Manajemen Sumber Daya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Email:



Landak laut Diadema setosum merupakan salah satu biota laut ekonomis dan dikonsumsi secara luas di Pulau Taliabu, Kabupaten Taliabu, Maluku Utara. Telur landak laut Diadema setosum ini telah secara luas dikonsumsi terutama secara segar (mentah) maupun olahan berupa kukure. Pemanfaatan telur landak laut D. setosum di Pulau Taliabu masih dilakukan secara rekreasi dan tradisional dengan menggunakan alat tangkap seadanya seperti parang dan karinda. Penggunaan alat tangkap ini masih digunakan sampai sekarang, karena dianggap lebih efektif. Meskipun penangkapan telur landak laut D. setosum sudah dilakukan sejak lama. Namun, sumber daya landak laut D. setosum masih melimpah dan tidak mengalami overfishing.



Landak Laut; Diadema setosum; Pulau Talaibu; Indonesia.


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Nane, L. (2019a). Efisiensi Mesin Teknologi Sapurata Dalam Mengoptimalisasi Produksi Inovasi Pangan Kukure Di Pulau Barrang Lompo, Makassar.

Nane, L. (2019b). Impact of overfishing on density and test-diameter size of the sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla at Wakatobi Archipelago, south-eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. BioRxiv, 727271.

Nane, L. (2019c). Sea Urchin Sustainability Studies Based on Dimension Biology, Ecology and Technology at Around of Tolandono Island and Sawa Island at Wakatobi Conservation Area.

Nane, L. (2019d). Studi Keberlanjutan Perikanan Landak Laut Berdasarkan Dimensi Biologi, Ekologi Dan Teknologi Di Sekitar Pulau Tolandono Dan Pulausawa Kawasan Konservasiwakatobi [Skripsi, Universitas Hasanuddin]. https://Marxiv.Org/9zdvr/

Nane, L., & Paramata, A. R. (2020). Impact of Overfishing on Density and Test-Diameter Size of the Sea Urchin Tripneustes gratilla at Wakatobi Archipelago, South-Eastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 25(2), 53-56.

Nane, L., Baruadi, A. S. R., & Mardin, H. (2020). The density of the blue-black urchin Echinotrix diadema (Linnaeus, 1758) in TominiBay, Indonesia. Tomini Journal of Aquatic Science, 1(1), 16–21.

La Nane*, and Arfiani Rizki Paramata

Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. *Email:



Sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla is one of an economically important fisheries resource product for localities at Wakatobi archipelago. High demands for sea urchin gonad have intensified high fishing activity. The hypothesis of this study is that sea urchins in Wakatobi have been overfished. To answer that hypothesis, the density and its test diameter size were measured at two different sites. Those two sites are Pulau Tomia (resident area) and Pulau Sawa (nonresident area and very distant from the localities). The results show that sea urchin density and its test diameter are significantly different. The densities (mean±SE) T. gratilla at Pulau Sawa and Pulau Tomia were 10±0.6 (ind.m-2) and 2.7±0.9 ind.m-2, respectively. Moreover, the test diameter at Pulau Sawa and Pulau Tomia were 69.7±2.1 mm and 58.5±1.7 mm (mean±SE), respectively. These results have shown that overfishing has occurred. Therefore, sea urchin with test diameter 66–75 mm, 76–85 mm, and 86–95 mm have disappeared at Pulau Tomia. The Conclusion reveals that fishing of sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla at Pulau Tomia has been overfished.


Density; test diameter; sea urchin; overfishing; Wakatobi


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La Nane1*, Alfi Sahri R Baruadi2, Herinda Mardin3

1,2Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo; 3Department of Biology, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo.*Email Correspondence: 



The blue-black urchin has been widely known and utilized as food in the world, including Indonesia because sea urchin gonad can be consumed. However, the utilization of sea urchins in Gorontalo has not been performed. On the other hand, natural resources information is needed as the database for natural resources management in Tomini Bay. The aim of this study is to document the blue-black urchin Echinotrix diadema. This study conducted at Blue Marlin Beach, South Leato, Gorontalo, from November 2019 to December 2020. Sea urchin density was calculated with a 1 m × 1 m transect quadrate that positioned at interval 5 m in distance along 15 m of the transect line at the coral reef ecosystem. In parallel with the measurement of the density, sea urchin test diameter was measured with a Vernier caliper (0.01 mm accuracy), and the water temperature was measured with a thermometer. The results show that the average of sea urchin density is 3 ind. m–2 in November and December and 1 ind.m–2 in January. That density has no significant difference among the month. Moreover, the average size of the sea urchin test diameter is 60 mm in November, 63 mm in December, and 66 mm in January. The seawater temperature is 34 °C in November, 37 °C in December, and 33 °C in January. That results show that sea urchin density in the blue marlin beach is very low.


Density; Echinotrix diadema; Sea Urchin; Test Diameter; Tomini Bay


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