Distribusi Anomali Magnetik Daerah Panas Bumi Bongongoayu Gorontalo

21 June 2020 07:04:05 Dibaca : 52 Kategori : H. Geo Update

Magnetic anomaly distribution data collection.

In 2012 the Geological Agency of Indonesia discovered 14 new geothermal sites in Indonesia, one of which is in the area Diloniyohu (now Bongongoayu) are included in the administrative area of the District Boliyohuto Gorontalo regency. Preliminary investigation geothermal area with geomagnetic methods used to determine the geothermal prospects. This study aimed to analyze the distribution of magnetic anomalies and determine the geothermal prospects based on the distribution of magnetic anomalies. The magnetic survey carried out by the closed-loop system is the measurement starts and ends at the same point. The number of points is 224 points measuring geomagnetic measuring scattered on the 8 track measuring point. The total length of the measuring point is 5.4 Km. The distance between the measuring point is 25 m and the distance between tracks is 100 m. Value IGRF (International Geomagnetic Reference Field), inclination and declination obtained using NGDC Geomagnetic Calculators. By entering coordinates and elevation study site at NGDC Geomagnetic Calculators values obtained IGRF = 40633.97 nT, value Inclination = -14,75° and declination = 0,79° value. The results of the magnetic survey in the form of cross-section of the magnetic anomaly and magnetic anomaly distribution map. Magnetization area which is indicative of reservoir is characterized by low magnetic anomaly (-400 to -150 nT) to moderate magnetic anomalous zone (-150 to 50 nT), which is at the center of the study area. Comprehensive prospecting area is> 320,000 m2 with a volume of 22.4 million m3 reservoir. Integrated investigations should be carried out to the west which is characterized by a moderate magnetic anomalies klosur opening and expanding research into the area of geothermal manifestations appearing more precisely in the area Talumopatu, District Paguyaman Mootilango and upstream watershed.

Keywords: Geothermal, Magnetic, Magnetic Anomali, Bongongoayu.

Manyoe, I.N., Irfan, U.R., dan Suriamiharja, D.A. 2015. Distribusi Anomali Magnetik Daerah Panas Bumi Bongongoayu, Gorontalo. Seminar Ilmiah Nasional Penguatan Kemitraan Berbasis Ipteks Inovasi untuk Kemaslahatan BMI. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar, Indonesia.

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