Kajian Geologi Daerah Panas Bumi Lombongo, Kabupaten Bone Bolango, Provinsi Gorontalo

21 June 2020 07:36:50 Dibaca : 50 Kategori : H. Geo Update

Geology data collection (Manyoe, 2017).

Bone Bolango District is an area that began to evolve so that it takes the energy supply like
geothermal energy to support development. The purpose of this study was to assess the geological conditions of the Lombongo geothermal area. The research location is at coordinates 0°32' N - 0°32'40 "N and 123°10'40"E - 123 ° 11'40" E. Studies conducted on geothermal manifestations, lithology, geomorphology, flow net, and hydrogeological of research area. Observations geothermal manifestations such as physical properties and chemical properties of hot springs. Lithology and geomorphology observations include observations of minerals and landforms. Hydrogeological observations such as flow net, recharge areas, discharge area, and the runoff area. The temperature of hot springs in the Lombongo geothermal area are 420C-480C. The appearance of the hot springs in the Lombongo controlled by strike slip fault. Lombongo geothermal area and the surrounding area consists of volcanic rocks such as andesite and diorite intrusive rocks form. Morphology Lombongo and surrounding area consists of volcanic mountains, denudational hills and denudasional fluvial plains. Recharge area is in the mountains in the northern part of the study area while the discharge area is located in the southern part of the study area. Geological studies of research area shows that the heat source is volcanic body and strike slip fault is the way of hot waters from reservoir to the surface.

Keywords: Geology, Geothermal, Lombongo, Gorontalo.

Manyoe, I.N., dan Bahutalaa, I. 2017. Kajian Geologi Daerah Panas Bumi Lombongo, Kabupaten Bone Bolango, Provinsi Gorontalo. Jurnal Geomine, Vol. 5, No. 1.

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