Penampang Anomali Geomagnet dan Geolistrik Daerah Panas Bumi Bongongoayu, Gorontalo

21 June 2020 06:46:54 Dibaca : 70 Kategori : H. Geo Update

Magnetic anomaly cross section data collection.

Bongongoayu area is one of the areas in Gorontalo which is a place of geothermal manifestations (hot water pond) with a surface temperature of 43°- 59°C. This research aimed to analyze sections of magnetic anomalies and electrical. The method used is quantitative research methods. Acquitition data was carried out in the field by using Proton Precission Magnetometer and Resistivity meter. The number of magnetic measuring points is 224 points while the number of electrical sounding is 2 points. Measurements of magnetic and electrical section is shown in the form of magnetic anomalies and electrical section. The results showed that the geological structure and litology in the area of Bongongoayu geothermal obtained by the magnetic anomaly sections. Indication of the geological structure and litology in the section of magnetic anomalies obtained by contrasting positive and negative anomalies values (> 300 nT). Negative magnetic anomalies on the L1 – L7 dominate the northwestern part of the track while the southeastern part of the track is dominated by positive magnetic anomalies. Based on the electrical section, the cap rock characterized by low resistivity values ( 500 Ωm). Section of magnetic and electrical anomalies indicate that the geological structures (> 300 nT) are trending Northeast - Southwestern is a factor controlling of fluid in Bongongoayu geothermal area, Gorontalo.

Keywords : Section, Magnetic, Electrical, Geothermal, Gorontalo.

Manyoe, I.N., Irfan, U.R. and Suriamiharja, D.A. 2014. Penampang Anomali Geomagnet dan Geolistrik Daerah Panas Bumi Bongongoayu, Gorontalo. e-journal Pasca UNHAS.

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