Peningkatan Pengetahuan Gempa Dan Kemampuan Mitigasi Pada Siswa Disabilitas Kota Gorontalo Melalui Program Mie Titi

21 June 2020 12:04:25 Dibaca : 416 Kategori : H. Geo Update

Disability students and MIE TITI media.

The condition of Gorontalo City has a high level of vulnerability to earthquake hazards, therefore understanding of earthquakes needs to be done early on, especially for children with disabilities. MIE TITI aims to increase earthquake mitigation knowledge and ability for students with disabilities at SDLB Gorontalo City, especially the visually impaired, deaf, and mentally disabled. The method to be used is a fun learning method with instruments used in the form of MINING (Music Fun Learning), MICARD (Mitigation Flascard), MINAME (Mitigation of Nature Game) and Oil and Gas (Mitigation Praise). A sample of 34 people with disabilities in Gorontalo City SDLB consisted of blind, deaf and retarded students. The results obtained are an increase in earthquake knowledge and earthquake mitigation ability in students with disabilities where in children with visual impairment by 50% and 35%, deaf by 45% and 55%, and mental retardation by 3% and 2%.

Keywords : Mitigation, Earthquake, Fun Learning, Disability, Gorontalo.

Duwingik, R. F., Della Nawarita, P. K., Dano, M. A., & Manyoe, I. N. (2019). Peningkatan Pengetahuan Gempa Dan Kemampuan Mitigasi Pada Siswa Disabilitas Kota Gorontalo Melalui Program Mie Titi. Warta Pengabdian, 13(3), 116-122.

Indexed in Google Scholar & Sinta, S5.