The Entrepreneurship Development in Geothermal Tourism Area: Before and During Pandemic Era

10 January 2023 09:50:30 Dibaca : 22 Kategori : H. Geo Update

Geothermal is a renewable energy resource that is being actively developed in all regions of the world. Geothermal can be used and developed in various fields. Geothermal can be developed to fulfill a country's source of electrical energy. In other fields, geothermal can be developed in agriculture, tourism and health. Unlike other energy sources such as coal, oil, and natural gas, geothermal have many advantages. Compared to coal, oil, and natural gas, geothermal have the lowest production of CO2 emissions. In fact, binary geothermal power plants produce absolutely no CO2 emissions (Armannsson, 2003; Blodgett and Slack, 2009; Rybach, 2010). The use of geothermal as a source of electrical energy can replace the role of fossil energy, which produces more CO2 emissions. Geothermal is generally formed because of the geothermal fluid and heat sources. Geothermal fluid is water, which can always be available through a hydrological process. The heat source is at the subsurface. The heat source heats groundwater through a convection process. The heat transfer process in the subsurface occurs by conduction and convection (Glassley, 2014). Geothermal is a non-transferable source of energy such as coal, oil and natural gas. After the exploitation stage, fossil energy sources such as coal, oil and natural gas can be exported to other countries. Therefore, the domestic consumption may not be fulfilled in the producting country. In contrast to geothermal, which is a source of energy that cannot be transferred to other countries. Domestic consumption in the form of electricity and all the benefits that can be obtained through geothermal is only enjoyed by the country or production area. Geothermal is not only positive for environmental sustainability, but also has implications for improving the country's economy and the welfare of local communities. This paper will discuss entrepreneurship that developments in the geothermal tourism area in Gorontalo before the pandemic era. In addition, this paper will discuss the development of geothermal entrepreneurship during a pandemic era.

Manyoe, I. N., Napu, S. S. S., & Choanji, T. (2021). The Entrepreneurship Development in Geothermal Tourism Area: Before and During Pandemic Era dalam The Art of Entrepreneurs to Survive During Pandemic COVID-19, Pinem, R.J. & Rahmat, A. (Eds) (Novateur Publication, India).  

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