Editor Buku

11 January 2023 15:36:26 Dibaca : 63 Kategori : B. Geo Research
  1. Abduh, A.G., Usman, F.C.A., Tampoy, W.M; editor,  Manyoe, I.N. (2020). Potensi dan Rancangan Kawasan Eco-Geotourism Olele. UNG Press, Gorontalo.
  2. Kasa, N.A., ... [et al.]; editor, Manyoe I.N. & Hutagalung R. (2020). Sekolah Danau. UNG Press, Gorontalo.
  3. Beu, J., ... [et al.]; editor, Manyoe I.N. & Hutagalung R. (2020). Sekolah Geotermal. UNG Press, Gorontalo.
  4. Al-Fayedh, M … [et al.]; editor, Manyoe I.N., Kuang, X., & Arifin, Y.I. (2021). Geopark. Novateur Publication, India
  5. Olii, AH, … [et al.]; editor, Manyoe, I.N. (2021). Sahabat Cilik Geopark. UNG Press, Gorontalo.
  6. Arifin, Y.I; editor, Jahja, M., &  Manyoe I.N. (2022). Geotourism, A solution to Environmental Pollution of the Artisanal Gold Mining (Case Study of Tulabolo Village, Gorontalo). Ideas Publishing, Gorontalo.