KATEGORI : H. Geo Update

Preparation before data acquisition.

Bongongoayu is one of the regions in Indonesia that has geothermal potential. Bongongoayu requires surface and subsurface data to support the preliminary data. This research aims to determine surface and subsurface data conducted by geology and magnetic method. The surface data, including geomorphology, lithology, hydrology and manifestation. The subsurface data have taken by the magnetic method. The result showed that the geothermal manifestation of Bongongoayu is a hot pool. The surface temperature is 43 to 59 °C. The geomorphology units is composed of volcanic hills unit and lake plains unit. The lithology of the research area is composed of granite and alluvial deposits. Based on petrographic analysis, the level of alteration in granite rocks is 65% and is classified as moderate alteration. The recharge area is in the north and southwest of the research area. Discharge area is in the central area. Based on 2D magnetic modeling, there are two subsurface layers. The first layer is alluvial and the second layer is granite. Rocks that are under the alluvial layer and have been altered are interpreted as a cap rock. 2D magnetic models show normal faults in the research area as a controlling factor for geothermal fluid.

Manyoe, I. N., Suriamihardja, D. A., Irfan, U. R., Eraku, S. S., Napu, S. S. S., & Tolodo, D. D. (2020, November). Geology and 2D modelling of magnetic data to evaluate surface and subsurface setting in Bongongoayu geothermal area, Gorontalo. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 589, No. 1, p. 012002). IOP Publishing.

Indexed in Scopus, Q4.

Research location

The potential of limestone in Gorontalo City is very large and distributed over a wide area. This enormous potential has not yet been exploited. This study aims to determine the chemical content of limestone and the use solution of limestone to improve regional development. Field data collection was carried out in two places, namely Tanjung Keramat and Buli'ide. Sampling was conducted at the coordinates N 0°29'38.93'' and E 123°2'49.62'' for station 1, N 0°32'53.7'' and E 123°1'56.19'' for station 2. The method used in this research is chemical composition analysis using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). The results of the analysis of the chemical constituents of Coral Limestone are CaO 83.35%, Fe2O3 6.92%, SrO 9.35% and ZrO2 3.25%. The prospect of Coral Limestone can be used in various industrial fields. Coral Limestone can be used in the mining industry, the cement industry, the sugar industry, ceramic raw materials, building materials, agricultural and road stabilizers. This indicates that the City of Gorontalo has the prospect of development and utilization of limestone resources available, in order to encourage self-reliance and open employment for community.

Annisa, W., Manyoe, I. N., Mubarak, A. K., Napu, S. S. S., Pratama, I. G. S., & Fatimah, S. (2020, November). Chemical content analysis of coral limestone as prospecting of extractive development in Gorontalo City. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 589, No. 1, p. 012021). IOP Publishing.

Indexed in Scopus, Q4.

Gorontalo Outer Ring Road (GORR) road section

Gorontalo infrastructure development focus on improving transport efficiency through the development of Gorontalo Outer Ring Road (GORR). The Government has set the cost 750 billion rupiahs for GORR and planned will be completed by 2019 but constrained by landslides. This research aims to reconstruct and identify the type and mechanism of a landslide at GORR. The result of this research is landslide type and mechanism in the research area. The method used is 2-dimensional electrical resistivity sounding with Wenner-Schlumberger configuration. Landslide mechanism is analyzed based on the resistivity value table on Vingoe resistivity value supported by geological data. Based on geophysical data, subsurface conditions showed blocks of limestone with a resistivity value about 132 ohm.m and marked red-purple colors. These blocks of limestone interpreted as the result of the weathering process and buried in weathered clastic limestone. Landslide movement type is sliding movement and concluded as a rockslide. There is a potential for subsurface landslide blocks occur caused by the weathering process on fractures in the research area. The future prevention steps are by increasing the surface water absorption by planting in the geotextiles or prevent water infiltration in the landslide area. In addition, manufacturing retaining wall is also required.

Usman, F. C. A., Manyoe, I. N., Duwingik, R. F., & Kasim, D. N. P. (2020, November). Geophysical survey of landslide movement and mechanism in Gorontalo Outer Ring Road, Gorontalo. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 589, No. 1, p. 012008). IOP Publishing.

Indexed in Scopus, Q4.

Sekolah Geotermal

05 January 2023 19:13:18 Dibaca : 21

Buku Sekolah Geotermal

Dalam rangka meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kepedulian anak-anak di Desa Pentadio Barat terhadap geotermal dan lingkungan geotermal maka salah satu program yang dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa KKN Restorasi Sungai dan Danau UNG tahun 2020 adalah Sekolah Geotermal.

Sekolah Geotermal adalah program pembinaan kepedulian dan kesadaran terhadap lingkungan geotermal Pentadio sejak dini bagi anak-anak SD di Desa Pentadio Barat. Melalui program Sekolah Geotermal, anak-anak di Desa Pentadio Barat diharapkan akan menjadi agen perubahan masa kini dan masa depan yang akan senantiasa menjaga lingkungan geotermal serta mengembangkan potensi geotermal di Pentadio. 

Beu, J., ... [et al.]; editor, Manyoe I.N. & Hutagalung R. (2020). Sekolah Geotermal. UNG Press, Gorontalo.

Indexed in Google Scholar.

Sekolah Danau

05 January 2023 18:09:32 Dibaca : 24

Buku Sekolah Danau

Dalam rangka meningkatkan kepedulian dan kecintaan anak-anak di Desa Lupoyo terhadap Danau Limboto maka salah satu program yang dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa KKN Restorasi Sungai dan Danau UNG tahun 2020 adalah Sikola Bulalo atau Sekolah Danau. Buku Sikola Bulalo berisi kisah anak-anak SD di Desa Lupoyo tentang Danau Limboto. Semoga program Sikola Bulalo dapat menjadi program pembinaan yang berkelanjutan bagi anak-anak di pesisir Danau Limboto dan berdampak pada perubahan pola pikir dan pola sikap anak-anak terhadap Danau Limboto.

Kasa, N.A., ... [et al.]; editor, Manyoe I.N. & Hutagalung R. (2020). Sekolah Danau. UNG Press, Gorontalo.

Indexed in Google Scholar.