LABEL : fault

Sulawesi is located in the triple junction which makes it has a high complex tectonic setting implicated for the emergence of geothermal potential. Existing geological structure near the research area is only in the top-right of the research area which far from any of the hot spring points. This research aims to analyze the lineament extraction to find out the alleged structure and the density area to determine the permeability of the Lahendong geothermal area using National Digital Elevation Model (DEMNAS) data imagery. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data is processed using Remote Sensing Photogrammetry application to produce lineament extraction. Lineament density map is carried out using a Geographic Information System (SIG) application and then processed to generate rosette diagram. Based on the lineament extraction and lineament density analysis result, we can interpret that the Lahendong geothermal area is dominated with high density, which is interpreted as good permeability. Lineaments in the Lahendong geothermal area is northwest-southeast and almost north-south. The extracted lineament is also providing the alleged structure in the research area.

Rauf, J., Kayambo, M. R., Nurjana, I., & Manyoe, I. N. (2023). Lineament Extraction Analysis Using Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in Lahendong Geothermal Area, North Sulawesi. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 400, p. 01009). EDP Sciences.

Indexed in Scopus.

Karya Murni is one of the areas in the northern arm of Sulawesi that has been tectonically influenced. Tectonic processes have implications for the formation of rocks and geological features that have the potential to be developed into geodiversity sites. The development of geological features as a geodiversity site in aspiring geopark Gorontalo can protect valuable geological features from frequent degradation. This research aims to analyze and conduct quantitative assessments of geological diversity in Karya Murni, Gorontalo. The research method used is field observation, laboratory analysis, and geodiversity assessment. Field observations included observing landform, collecting rock samples, and measuring geological structures. Field observations were also carried out to observe aspects of the geodiversity assessment which included science, education, tourism, and risk degradation. Laboratory analysis consists of geomorphological analysis, petrographic analysis, and geological structure data analysis. Geodiversity assessment uses the Geological Survey Center of Indonesia assessment. The results suggest that the geomorphology of the study area can be divided into four geomorphic units-the volcanic hills, denudational hills, Karst hills, and fluvial plain units. The stratigraphy of the research area is divided into four units from the age of the early Eocene to the Holocene-the andesite lava, volcanic breccia, reef limestone, and alluvial deposit units. The geological structure of the study area is a trending northeast–southwest to northwest–southeast. Active faults at the location of the study area consist of the Apitalawu normal fault. At recent states, generally geosites of the Karya Murni have moderate scientific values, the low educational and touristic values and high risk of degradation. The geodiversity potential of the research area can be utilized for further research and education.

Arifin, Y. I., Pattiro, W. M., Manyoe, I. N., Napu, S. S. S., & Sugawara, H. (2023). Analysis and quantitative assessment of geodiversity at Karya Murni, Gorontalo, Indonesia. Geo Journal of Tourism and Geosites, 48, 763-773.

Indexed in Scopus, Q1.