KATEGORI : H. Geo Update

Kwandang is a district located in the northern part of Gorontalo. The purpose of this research is to analyze the depth and magnitude earthquake zone that occurred in the district of Kwandang, Gorontalo Utara regency based on seismicity map. The astronomical research location is located at 0° 49' 39" S, 122° 55' 8" E. The method used in this research is seismicity map analysis. The earthquake that dominates in Kwandang, based on the value of its depth, namely shallow earthquake (0-70 km) and medium earthquake (70-300 km). This is caused by subduction activity in the direction of the subduction of the north arm of Sulawesi towards south of Tomini Bay. Whereas based on the strength of the earthquake in Kwandang sub-district is dominated by small earthquakes (-) with a light, mild earthquake. Based on the depth zonation, earthquakes mostly occurred in the west. Based on the magnitude, the earthquakes mostly occurred in the southwest.

Zakaria, S. A. P., Manyoe, I. N., Abduh, A. G., & Budjang, F. (2021, November). Seismicity map to analyze the depth and magnitude earthquake zone in Kwandang Area of North Gorontalo Regency. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 884, No. 1, p. 012060). IOP Publishing.

Indexed in Scopus, Q4.

Desa Botubarani memiliki keanekaragaman geologi yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi destinasi wisata. Melalui survei yang dilakukan tim PHP2D, Desa Botubarani memiliki potensi wisata geologi yaitu situs Batu Berani. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi potensi yang dapat dilakukan sebagai upaya perencanaan dan pengembangan wisata yang akan memberikan dampak terhadap peningkatan pendapatan untuk masyrakat di Desa Botubarani. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa Desa Botubarani memiliki potensi geologi situs Batu Berani yang dapat dikembangkan dengan konsep pariwisata berkelanjutan. Program yang diterapkan oleh tim PHP2D membawa perubahan kondisi situs yang ada di Desa Botubarani baik dari segi infrastruktur berupa QR Qodes, papan informasi situs batuberani dan hiu paus serta peningkatan kreatifitas masyarakat dengan adanya sosialisasi pembuatan kerajinan tangan dari bahan-bahan di alam.

Keywords: Geopark, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Geowisata, Online Marketing Campaign.

Suma, M. D., Manyoe, I. N., Duwingik, R. S., Boften, F., Srikandi, W. E., & Marfian, F. (2021). Pengembangan Situs Batu Berani dengan Menggunakan Konsep Pariwisata Berkelanjutan dan Online Marketing Campaign di Desa Botubarani. Aksara: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Nonformal, 7(3), 1329-1338.

Indexed in Sinta, S4.

Studi Mekanisme Sedimentasi Formasi Dolokapa, Gorontalo

10 January 2023 10:43:38 Dibaca : 34

The Dolokapa Formation is a sedimentary rock formation formed in a deep-sea depositional environment with a fairly complex level of deformation and tectonic arrangement. Analysis of the sedimentation mechanism is carried out to determine how much tectonic influence on the mechanisms that occur in a depositional environment and the variations in the sedimentation mechanism formed. Research on the sedimentation mechanism needs to be carried out to determine the history of the formation of Gorontalo sedimentary rocks, especially in the Dolokapa Formation which was formed during the Miocene. The purpose of this study is to know the mechanisms of deep-marine sedimentation based on the identification of lithological characteristics, layer stacking patterns, and sedimentary structures. The method used was measuring sections using a range of ropes divided into four measurement paths. After that, a correlation was performed based on the genesis of deep marine formation. Based on the results of processing and analysis of the data, obtained units of lithology that insertion silty-clay, and the sandstone graining insertion of silt. In vertical succession, the layering pattern formed generally thickens upwards which describes the energy of the depositional currents. The sedimentary structure consists of rip up-clast, parallel lamination, graded bedding, convolute, slump, and trace fossils of nereites trace fossils of nereites that characterize the sedimentation of traction currents and turbidite currents in the deep-sea environment. The sedimentation mechanism formed is the traction current mechanism which is a further development of turbidite current and high-low concentration turbidity current mechanism that occurs slowly on a suspension-controlled grain. The stratigraphic relationship of the rock units in the research area is aligned based on the genesis formation that is located in the setting of the deep marine.

Keywords: Claystone, Convolute, Nereites, Sandstone, Traction, Turbidite.

Salama, T. H., Maryati, S., & Manyoe, I. N. (2021). Studi Mekanisme Sedimentasi Formasi Dolokapa, Gorontalo. Jambura Geoscience Review, 3(2), 97-111.

Indexed in Sinta, S3.

Gorontalo is one of the areas prone to earthquakes because Gorontalo has a geological structure, which is a fault. This fault has a northwest-southeast direction that cuts across the Gorontalo City area and crosses Lake Limboto. The research objective is to determine the direction of subsurface geological structures and analyze the impact of geological structures on the GORR development infrastructure. The research method is divided into several stages, namely, the preparation phase, the stage of data collection and the stage of data processing and analysis. The preparatory phase includes literature studies and regional geological studies. The next step is data collection in the field including lithology, geomorphology and structural data. And finally, data processing and analysis uses several classifications. Based on surface data, there are several types of lithology such as tuff, clay, and limestone which have started to decay. Geological structure in the form of fault / normal fault with northwest-southeast direction is also found in the study area. Based on subsurface data there are three types of layers namely clay sand, alluvial, and sandstone which are determined based on the classification of rock and mineral resistivity. Subsurface data also shows faults, in the same direction. And based on the vertical resistivity cross section shows the slip area seen from the resistivity value of the layer above it has a lower value than the layer below, it is very possible for landslides because the layer is more easily eroded and flowed, plus supported by a fairly steep field and rainfall in the GORR Region high enough.

Robot, L. C., Manyoe, I. N., Arifin, Y. I., Saputra, M. J. A., Bilgais, A. A., Abdullah, R. A., & Napu, S. S. S. (2021, July). Surface and subsurface analysis based on the geological structure and electrical resistivity Data in Gorontalo Outer Ring Road (GORR), Huidu Utara. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1968, No. 1, p. 012054). IOP Publishing.

Indexed in Scopus, Q4.

North Sulawesi is an area close to the earthquake source due to tectonic processes such as active faults. This study aims to analyze the earthquake in Suwawa Timur from the earthquake depth and magnitude data. The method used in this research is a qualitative method by collecting and processing earthquake data. The analysis was carried out by creating a seismicity map of the Suwawa Timur area. The map shows that the earthquake points in Suwawa Timur are at shallow earthquakes (0 - 70 km) and moderate earthquakes (70 - 300 km). Shallow earthquakes are usually sourced from active seismic movement activity. Lithological conditions and structural geology affect the magnitude and depth of the earthquake value. Zonation map relates to the epicenter point of Suwawa Timur. Suwawa Timur is dominated by minor earthquakes (0.0 - 3.9), light earthquakes (4 - 4.9), and there is one point of a moderate earthquake (5 - 5.9).

Ponto, N. F., Manyoe, I. N., Zakaria, S. A. P., Usman, M. M., & Sumarjis, S. A. I. (2021, July). Seismicity of Suwawa Timur area based on analysis of earthquake: the depth and magnitude. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1968, No. 1, p. 012046). IOP Publishing.

Indexed in Scopus, Q4.