KATEGORI : H. Geo Update

Gorontalo's geological diversity can be utilized for the development of geotourism, but the study of geotourism in Gorontalo has not been carried out comprehensively. The purpose of this study is to assess the geosite and geomorphosite of islands in Kwandang Bay, North Gorontalo, namely Ponelo Island, Saronde Island, Bogisa Island, and Hulawa Island. Stages of research include the stage of field data collection through geological surveys, processing, and data analysis. Geosite and geomorphosite assessments use the Kubalikova method. The results showed that there were eight sites on the islands, namely basalt cliffs, wave-cut platforms, tombolo, Saronde white sand, spit, andesite, and Hulawa white sand. The highest score gotten by Ponelo Island and Bogisa Island is on the economic value due to its good accessibility. The highest score of Saronde Island is on educational value because it has a geotourism aspect and is a public visited place. The highest score for Hulawa Island is the additional value because there are aspects of history and archeology of the Netherland colonial. The total values of geosite and geomorphosite assessment in Ponelo, Saronde, Bogisa, and Hulawa Island consecutively are 7.5, 8.5, 6.5, and 8.5. Geosite and geomorphosite on the islands in Kwandang Bay are valuable in terms of scientific, educational, conservation, economic and additional value.

Keywords: Marine landforms, Geology, Geomorphology, Culture.

Manyoe, I. N., Pongoliu, Y. I., & Napu, S. S. S. (2022). Geosite and geomorphosite assessment for geotourism purpose: Case study of the islands in Kwandang Bay, North Gorontalo. Tunas Geografi, 11(1), 11-18.

Indexed in Sinta, S3.

Suatu kontrol utama pembentukan alterasi dan mineralisasi adalah struktur geologi, karena dapat menjadi jalur fluida hidrotermal yang membawa mineral ekonomis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kondisi geologi dan menganalisis kontrol struktur geologi terhadap mineralisasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi lapangan. Observasi lapangan terdiri dari pengamatan geomorfologi, struktur geologi dan litologi. Geomorfologi terdiri pengamatan bentang alam dan stadia sungai. Struktur geologi berupa kekar dan sesar. Litologi meliputi alterasi dan mineralisasi. Hasil observasi lapangan dianalisis geomorfologi, stratigrafi, struktur geologi serta analisis laboratorium seperti petrografi dan mineragrafi. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan satuan geomorfologi punggungan vulkanik Motomboto dan satuan perbukitan erosional Motomboto. Hasil analisis stratigrafi dan analisis petrografi didapatkan satuan latit, satuan riolit porfiri, satuan breksi vulkanik dan satuan endapan aluvial. Hasil dari analisis struktur geologi mendapatkan arah umum kekar NE-SW, NW-SE, N-S, NEE-SWW dan sesar terdiri sesar geser dan sesar normal. Secara megaskopis dan analisis mineragrafi, mineral logam yang teramati adalah pirit, kalkopirit, galena, sfalerit, tenanntit-tetrahedrit, kovelit, arsenopirit, emas dan azurit. Hasil analisis kontrol struktur terhadap mineralisasi, mineralisasi terbatas pada breksi hidrotermal yang merupakan batuan hasil dari zona hancuran zona sesar, kemudian terisi oleh fluida hidrotermal yang membawa mineral ekonomis. Struktur geologi daerah penelitian dapat menjadi jalur masuk fluida hidrotermal.

Keywords: Struktur geologi, Mineralisasi, Breksi hidrotermal, Motomboto.

Banto, A. T., Kasim, M., Manyoe, I. N., & Setiono, S. Structural Control on Mineralization High Sulphidation Deposits in Motomboto Area. Jurnal GEOSAPTA, 8(1), 73-83.

Indexed in Sinta, S3.

Desa Oluhuta memiliki kekayaan geo diversity dan bio diversity yang melimpah, namun perlu untuk diptomalisasikan, misalnya dengan cara memproduksi sebuah geo produk. Dari hasil survei tim PHP2D UKM Literasi, di Desa Oluhuta terdapat banyak sekali fosil kerang di sekitaran pantai Oluhuta yang bisa dikreasikan menjadi sebuah geo produk. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini yakni untuk menjelaskan serta menguraikan proses pembuatan geo produk khas desa Oluhuta yang diberi nama ‘Makrame Oluhuta’ serta tahapan yang dilakukan dalam memperkenalkan geo produk tersebut pada masyarakat setempat. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa Makrame Oluhuta yang diproduksi masyarakat setempat mempunyai nilai jual dan daya tarik yang tinggi, dan mampu meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat setempat dari hasil penjualannya, serta menjadi salah satu instrumen pendukung bagi Desa Oluhuta untuk menjadi desa edu-geowisata.

Keywords: Geo Produk, Makrame, Edu-geowisata.

Kadekoh, N. I., Warsono, P., Ardiman, A., & Manyoe, I. N. (2022). Pembuatan Geo Produk ‘Makrame Oluhuta’Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Masyarakat Di Desa Oluhuta. Aksara: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Nonformal, 8(1), 155-164.

Indexed in Sinta, S4.

Geothermal is a type of renewable energy whose utilization can be applied in the tourism sector. This community service aims to increase geothermal knowledge and knowledge about the hazards that can be caused so that students have a basic understanding of geothermal and can minimize the risks or hazards generated by geothermal if students visit geothermal tourism objects. The implementation method is in the form of geothermal learning through the provision of material with interesting handouts and geothermal songs. The results of the community service show that students have basic knowledge of geothermal and have the ability to protect themselves if they are around hot springs.

Keywords: Ability, Knowledge, Geothermal, Song.

Manyoe, I. N., Napu, D. P. S., & Napu, S. S. S. (2021). Peningkatan Pengetahuan Geotermal pada Siswa di Daerah Lingkar Wisata Geotermal Lombongo. Dikmas: Jurnal Pendidikan Masyarakat dan Pengabdian, 1(4), 173-180.

Indexed in Google Scholar.

Gorontalo province is one of the regions in Indonesia that is rich in geological, biological, and cultural diversity, especially Oluhuta Village, Kabila Bone Subdistrict, Bone Bolango Regency. Oluhuta village has 7 main potentials including Oluhuta Human Skeleton Site, Raised Ocean Site, Columnar joint, Petrosia lignosa (Salvador Dali),thousands of coral fish, various coral reefs, and turtles, making it suitable to be developed into a tourism area using the concept of edu-geotourism. The purpose of this article is to outline the stages in the creation of modern infrastructure, namely literacy glamping-based information space in Oluhuta Village as a hallmark of the concept of edu-geotourism developed to optimize tourism potential in Oluhuta Village. The construction of this information space was carried out by the PHP2D SME Literacy team together with the Reformer Youth Movement or Oluhuta Village cadet reef. The result obtained is the creation of an information space that combines the concept of nature and the luxury of presenting information based on the principles of digital literacy and information known as glamping literacy, as a modern infrastructure edu-geotourism, so as to educate tourists and the public to always maintain and preserve the potentials in Oluhuta Village.

Kayambo, M. R., Manyoe, I. N., Mohama, R. D. J., Kadekoh, N. I., Uno, A. H., Padodo, N. W. S., & Kanna, F. P. R. (2021). Pembuatan Ruang Informasi Berbasis Glamping (Glamorous Camping) Literasi Sebagai Infrastruktur Edu-Geowisata di Desa Oluhuta. Indonesian Collaboration Journal of Community Services, 1(4), 287-297.

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