Tihu Village is located on the southern coast of Gorontalo and is included in an area prone to earthquakes and tsunamis. The impact of the earthquake and tsunami disaster can be in the form of loss of life and material. The losses incurred as a result of a disaster are usually caused by the local community's lack of responsiveness in dealing with an impending disaster. Mitigation efforts are needed in tsunami-prone areas to prevent casualties and material losses. Mitigation efforts can be carried out by socializing the earthquake and tsunami disaster and making tsunami evacuation routes. The programs implemented through this service activity are: 1) survey of potential disasters and identification of disaster-prone zones; 2) manufacture of disaster risk reduction information boards; 3) construction of evacuation route boards and assembly points; 4) Socialization of earthquake and tsunami disaster risk reduction; 5) Installation of evacuation route boards and assembly points.

Keywords: Disaster, Earthquake, Tsunami, Evacuation, Socialization.

Manyoe, I. N., Arifin, Y. I., Zainuri, A., Yunitasari, W. I., & Biya, N. S. F. (2022). Improving Disaster Mitigation Capability from an Early Age by Strengthening Disaster Literacy for Students at SD Negeri 10 Bonepantai Bone Bolango Regency. Aksara: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Nonformal, 8(2), 1263-1272.

Indexed in Sinta, S4.

Gorontalo has several geothermal manifestations, such as Lombongo, Pangi, Libungo, Hungayono and Tulabolo Timur. Research on geothermal areas must be carried out to obtain surface and subsurface information, then the geothermal areas can be further developed. The purpose of this study was to analyse the geochemistry water of the geothermal water in Tulabolo Timur, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province, Sulawesi, Indonesia. The research method is divided into field observations and laboratory analysis. Data processing using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) for cation and anion test. Data processing using Picaro Water Isotope Analyzer for isotope test. Subsurface temperature is determined using the geothermometer Na-K Giggenbach formula. The results of this research show that the fluid type of Tulabolo Timur geothermal area is chloride and the origin of fluid is from deep reservoir. Geothermal fluid when it approaches the surface is not affected by surrounding rocks. Tulabolo Timur geothermal fluids are categorized in the upflow zone. Geothermal fluid when it reaches the surface is diluted with meteoric water. Meteoric water is infiltrated below the surface in the recharge area, which is located in the north and south of the study area. The subsurface temperature of Tulabolo Timur is included in the high-temperature system.

Napu, S. S. S., Manyoe, I. N., & Arifin, Y. I. (2022, April). Geochemistry analysis of geothermal water in Tulabolo Timur, Sulawesi, Indonesia. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1003, No. 1, p. 012034). IOP Publishing.

Indexed in Scopus, Q4.

The Tanjung Kramat area is one of the areas on the southern coast of Gorontalo which is polluted by plastic waste. Activities are needed to increase public knowledge. The purpose of community service is to socialize the dangers of plastic waste to health and the environment and to carry out an action program to clean up the coastal and marine environment. Methods are identification and survey, socialization, and action program. The results show that through socialization and action programs there is a change in mindset and attitude patterns in the community. The community admitted that they only got knowledge about plastic waste during socialization activities. People expressed concern about the dangers of plastic waste. In the community action program, they no longer burn plastic waste. The community said that they could reduce the use of plastic waste, for example by replacing plastic shopping bags with shopping bags made of woven rattan. This community service is the first step for reducing the use of plastic waste in the Tanjung Kramat area.

Manyoe, I.N., Napu, S. S. S., Supriadi, S., Hidayansya, T., & Sugawara, H. (2022). Action Program and Socialization of Plastic Waste Hazards for Health and Environment in Tanjung Kramat, Gorontalo. Mattawang: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 3(1), 52-58.

Indexed in Sinta, S6.

Desa Ipilo didominasi oleh topografi perbukitan yang sebagian besar dijadikan lahan bertani jagung oleh masyarakat sehingga kejadian erosi yang berimbas pada penurunan kesuburan tanah menjadi ancaman yang serius terhadap keberlangsungan aktivitas pertanian. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman pada masyarakat akan kondisi lahan serta memperkenalkan cara tanam yang lebih berkelanjutan yakni pola tanam mengikuti garis kontur. Melalui metode sosialisasi dan praktek olah tanah langsung pada lahan, kegiatan ini dapat mengembalikan kesuburan tanah dan memperkecil besaran erosi yang terjadi. Berdasarkan hasil pengabdian dapat disimpulkan bahwa masyarakat mampu membuat titik-titik tanam sesuai garis kontur dengan konsep agroforestry serta mampu menerapkannya. Melalui kelompok tani yang dilatih langsung, diharapkan seluruh lahan bertani didaerah perbukitan Desa Ipilo mampu menekan kebutuhan pupuk kimia sehingga produktifitas dapat terus meningkatkan keuntungan Para petani.

Ayuba, S.R., Jaya, R., Taslim, I., & Manyoe, I. N. (2022). Penerapan Pola Tanam Garis Kontur pada Lahan Pertanian Berbukit dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Kesuburan Tanah dan Mengendalikan Besaran Erosi. JURNAL ABDIMAS DOSMA (JAD), 1(1), 19-23.

Indexed in Google Scholar.

Gorontalo's geological diversity can be utilized for the development of geotourism, but the study of geotourism in Gorontalo has not been carried out comprehensively. The purpose of this study is to assess the geosite and geomorphosite of islands in Kwandang Bay, North Gorontalo, namely Ponelo Island, Saronde Island, Bogisa Island, and Hulawa Island. Stages of research include the stage of field data collection through geological surveys, processing, and data analysis. Geosite and geomorphosite assessments use the Kubalikova method. The results showed that there were eight sites on the islands, namely basalt cliffs, wave-cut platforms, tombolo, Saronde white sand, spit, andesite, and Hulawa white sand. The highest score gotten by Ponelo Island and Bogisa Island is on the economic value due to its good accessibility. The highest score of Saronde Island is on educational value because it has a geotourism aspect and is a public visited place. The highest score for Hulawa Island is the additional value because there are aspects of history and archeology of the Netherland colonial. The total values of geosite and geomorphosite assessment in Ponelo, Saronde, Bogisa, and Hulawa Island consecutively are 7.5, 8.5, 6.5, and 8.5. Geosite and geomorphosite on the islands in Kwandang Bay are valuable in terms of scientific, educational, conservation, economic and additional value.

Keywords: Marine landforms, Geology, Geomorphology, Culture.

Manyoe, I. N., Pongoliu, Y. I., & Napu, S. S. S. (2022). Geosite and geomorphosite assessment for geotourism purpose: Case study of the islands in Kwandang Bay, North Gorontalo. Tunas Geografi, 11(1), 11-18.

Indexed in Sinta, S3.