Book Chapter
- Taslim, I., Indrianti, M.A., & Manyoe, I.N. (2020). Kearifan Lokal Ritual Payango hingga Ramalan Panggoba sebagai Mitigasi Bencana Masyarakat Gorontalo dalam Pengetahuan dan Praktik Lokal untuk Pengurangan Risiko Bencana: Konsep dan Aplikasi, Rahman, A., Nurmalahayati., & Nazaruddin, M. (Eds) (UNSYIAH Press, Aceh).
- Manyoe, I.N., Napu, S.S.S., Suma, M.D., Biya, N.S.F. & Taslim, I. (2021). Education and Learning Geology: Mobile Learning System for Geological Data Collection dalam The Field in Research on Cyber Pedagogy in The Covid 19, Rahmat A. & Choube, P.R. (Eds) (Novateur Publication, India).
- Manyoe, I. N. (2021). Increasing Community Knowledge of Geothermal Potential and Development dalam Community Service in The Midst of the COVID-19, Rahmat A. & Manurung, R.T. (Eds) (Novateur Publication, India).
- Manyoe, I. N., Napu, S. S. S., & Choanji, T. (2021). The Entrepreneurship Development in Geothermal Tourism Area: Before and During Pandemic Era dalam The Art of Entrepreneurs to Survive During Pandemic COVID-19, Pinem, R.J. & Rahmat, A. (Eds) (Novateur Publication, India).
- Manyoe, I.N. (2021). Merdeka Belajar: Sebuah Kebebasan dan Otonomi bagi Mahasiswa Teknik Geologi untuk Belajar di Luar Program Studi dalam Merdeka Belajar, Rahmat, A. (Eds) (Zahir Publishing, Yogyakarta).
- Widiyantoro, S., Manyoe I.N., … []. (2021). Menulislah dalam Untaian Mosaik: Menulis untuk Negeri, Mirnawati, M. (Eds) (Ideas Publishing, Bandung).
- Suma, M.D., & Manyoe, I.N. (2021). First Pilot Village Geopark in Gorontalo Province dalam Geopark, Manyoe I.N., Kuang, X., & Arifin, Y.I. (2021). (Eds) (Novateur Publication, India).
- Damogalad, Y., & Manyoe, I.N. (2021). Disaster Management in Geotourism Area dalam Geopark, Manyoe I.N., Kuang, X., & Arifin, Y.I. (2021). (Eds) (Novateur Publication, India).
Solar Eclipse 98%
Menonton Gerhana
Gorontalo, 9 Maret 2016. Hari dimulai saat matahari keluar dari balik pegunungan Tilongkabila. Sinarnya menabrak formasi vulkanik di selatan, menyiram lautan, padang rumput, dataran aluvial, dan batang-batang padi yang dibakar. Gempita, hangat, berkuasa.
Parade alam dimulai saat bulan bergeser memotong hegemoni matahari. Langit berwarna biru anggrek muda. Aih bukan, berwarna biru, semacam biru Saphire. Molekul-molekul udara lalu melontarkan warna kuning keemasan. Pipit melintas, terbang berputar, kebingungan.
Dingin. Matahari lenyap 98%. Di selatan Teluk Tomini matahari benar-benar lenyap. Lost Power.
2.45 menit sampai akhirnya bulan pergi dan bayangannya bergerak menuju timur laut lalu hilang di Maluku.
Penonton gerhana pulang bersama pesan: Tidak ada kekuasaan tertinggi melainkan oleh pencipta matahari-bulan-seisi langit dan bumi.
Penonton gerhana.
Mass Wasting Mechanism of Gorontalo Outer Ring Road (GORR) in Padengo, Gorontalo
One of the things that triggered the unrealized government project, namely Gorontalo Outer Ring Road or GORR, is the number of landslide points scattered along the GORR road section, as is the case in the area around GORR, namely Padengo area. This research aims to determine the mechanism of mass wasting in the Padengo area. The method used is the field survey. Data taken in the form of lithology data, geological structure and geomorphology. Field data is then analyzed to determine the mechanism of mass wasting at the research area. The results showed that the lithology of the study area was composed of reef limestone and alluvial. Reef limestone has a yellowish white color, has a massive structure, contains fossils that are exposed to molluscs and corals and is easily dissolved. The geomorphology of the study area is composed of solusional hilly units and lake plain units. In the research area, there are many extension fractures. Based on the lithological, geological structure and geomorphological, it can be concluded that the potential for mass wasting that can occur in the Padengo area is very large. It was known that the main controller for mass wasting is the fractures and the lithology characters in the research area. The type and mechanism of landslides that generally occur in Padengo Village are the Debris Slide type.
Suma, M. D., Rahmatia, R., Manyoe, I. N., Kobandaha, T. C., Kandouw, R. A., & Tolodo, D. D. (2022, November). Mass wasting mechanism of gorontalo outer ring road (gorr) in padengo, gorontalo. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1089, No. 1, p. 012023). IOP Publishing.
Geochemistry characteristics of the hungayono geothermal area for the development of clean energy in gorontalo province
Geothermal energy has great potential to provide clean energy so that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be achieved. The purpose of this study was to identify the geochemical characteristics of the geothermal fluid in the Hungayono area. Geothermal fluid sampling is performed at two points of manifestation which have the highest temperature. The cation and anion testing of geothermal fluid using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) and isotope testing using the Picarro Water Isotope Analyzer. Data analysis using Giggenbach diagrams. Hot spring temperatures are 54 - 60°C. The deposits at the point of manifestation are iron oxide with neutral fluid pH. Based on the results of the analysis of cations, anions, and isotopes, the Hungayono geothermal fluid is a type of chloride fluid that has been mixed with meteoric water. Based on the geothermometer calculation, reservoir temperature is 232-234°C. Hungayono Geothermal is a type of system with moderate to high concentration.
Tolodo, D. D., Manyoe, I. N., & Arifin, Y. I. (2022, November). Geochemistry characteristics of the hungayono geothermal area for the development of clean energy in gorontalo province. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1089, No. 1, p. 012020). IOP Publishing.
The extraction and analysis of lineament density from digital elevation model (dem) in libungo geothermal area, gorontalo
Remote sensing often used in geothermal exploration because it was considered has many advantages. The aim of this research is to extract and analyze the lineament density in the Libungo geothermal area based on a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Lineament is obtained from Digital Elevation Model (DEM) satellite image data downloaded from the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) page. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data processing uses Geomatica aplication to extract the lineament automatically. Extracted lineament is processed using Geographic Information System (GIS) aplication to produce a lineament density map and processed using Rockworks aplication to generate direction. Lineament density maps help identify permeability in the Libungo geothermal area. Based on the results of the extraction and lineament density analysis, it is interpreted that the Libungo geothermal area has a high-density value. High density values are associated with good permeability. A direction that affect lineaments in the Libungo geothermal area are northwest-southeast in the direction of Gorontalo's main geological structure.
Manyoe, I. N., & Hutagalung, R. (2022, November). The extraction and analysis of lineament density from digital elevation model (dem) in libungo geothermal area, gorontalo. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1089, No. 1, p. 012012). IOP Publishing.