Seismicity of Suwawa Timur area based on analysis of earthquake: the depth and magnitude

Intan Noviantari Manyoe - 10 January 2023

North Sulawesi is an area close to the earthquake source due to tectonic processes such as active faults. This study aims to analyze the earthquake in Suwawa Timur from the earthquake depth and mag...

Geological study of Pantai Indah for geotourism development based on geological observation and assessment of science, education, tourism and the risk degradation

Intan Noviantari Manyoe - 10 January 2023

Gorontalo has geological diversity that can be developed for geotourism. One of the tourist destinations of Gorontalo that has geological features is Pantai Indah. This study aims to examine the ge...

Assessment of the values of science, education, tourism and the risk degradation of Pentadio geothermal areas to developing geotourism in the Limboto Lake Plain, Gorontalo

Intan Noviantari Manyoe - 10 January 2023

Geothermal areas are unique. Therefore, it can be developed to become a geotourism destination. Limboto Lake plain has geothermal potential which is indicated by the appearance of several points of...

Optimalisasi Potensi Wisata Dan Pengurangan Resiko Bencana Di Desa Pentadio Barat Untuk Mendukung Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Daerah Dataran Danau Limboto, Kabupaten Gorontalo

Intan Noviantari Manyoe - 10 January 2023

The tourism potential that is born from the concept of leading tourism in a village can increase people's income. The development of a village into a tourism village is not only by optimizing the e...

Merdeka Belajar: Sebuah Kebebasan dan Otonomi bagi Mahasiswa Teknik Geologi untuk Belajar di Luar Program Studi

Intan Noviantari Manyoe - 10 January 2023

  Bab dalam buku ini membahas tentang penerapan program merdeka belajar yang dapat dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa Teknik Geologi di luar program studi.  Manyoe, I.N. (2021). Merdeka Belajar: Sebuah Ke...

The Entrepreneurship Development in Geothermal Tourism Area: Before and During Pandemic Era

Intan Noviantari Manyoe - 10 January 2023

Geothermal is a renewable energy resource that is being actively developed in all regions of the world. Geothermal can be used and developed in various fields. Geothermal can be developed to fulfil...

Increasing Community Knowledge of Geothermal Potential and Development

Intan Noviantari Manyoe - 10 January 2023

Geothermal is a source of heat originating from within the earth. Geothermal energy is a flexible energy resource that can be used for purposes in many conditions (Glassley, 2010). Geothermal energ...

Remote Sensing Analysis of Lineaments using Multidirectional Shaded Relief from Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in Olele Area, Gorontalo

Intan Noviantari Manyoe - 10 January 2023

The Gorontalo fault zone is an active fault that crosses Gorontalo Province with a movement of about 11 mm/year. The existence of this fault zone affects the morphological lineaments and offsets al...

Education and Learning Geology: Mobile Learning System for Geological Data Collection in the Field

Intan Noviantari Manyoe - 10 January 2023

Education is a socially regulated process and is a transfer of experience that occurscontinuously from generation to generation (Nazlev, 2017). Learning is a reflective activity thatallows students...

Analisis Parameter Gempabumi Dengan Struktur Geologi di Daerah Asparaga, Gorontalo

Intan Noviantari Manyoe - 10 January 2023

Gorontalo is an area located in the North Arm of Sulawesi which has a complex geological structure as a result of the submergence of the Sulawesi Sea and East Sangihe so that this area is considere...