Remote sensing often used in geothermal exploration because it was considered has many advantages. The aim of this research is to extract and analyze the lineament density in the Libungo geothermal area based on a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Lineament is obtained from Digital Elevation Model (DEM) satellite image data downloaded from the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) page. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data processing uses Geomatica aplication to extract the lineament automatically. Extracted lineament is processed using Geographic Information System (GIS) aplication to produce a lineament density map and processed using Rockworks aplication to generate direction. Lineament density maps help identify permeability in the Libungo geothermal area. Based on the results of the extraction and lineament density analysis, it is interpreted that the Libungo geothermal area has a high-density value. High density values are associated with good permeability. A direction that affect lineaments in the Libungo geothermal area are northwest-southeast in the direction of Gorontalo's main geological structure.

Manyoe, I. N., & Hutagalung, R. (2022, November). The extraction and analysis of lineament density from digital elevation model (dem) in libungo geothermal area, gorontalo. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1089, No. 1, p. 012012). IOP Publishing.

Indexed in Scopus, Q4.

The tectonic condition of Gorontalo, which is located in the north of Sulawesi Island has implications for the spread of geothermal potential. The area in Gorontalo with the largest geothermal potential is the Suwawa area, Bone Bolango Regency. Therefore, this study aims to develop a model of lineament extraction from a digital elevation model and analyze the geological structure control based on the lineament distribution. This research is useful for the development of knowledge in the geothermal field, especially the study of permeability and structural control in geothermal areas. This research is beneficial for the community because it can detect the permeability zone in more detail which is the basis for the utilization of geothermal potential. The factors studied in this study are the geological lineament density and the geological structures. To achieve the research objectives, extraction methods and model analysis include analysis of permeable and control of geological structures. The lineament extraction model from the digital elevation model in the Suwawa geothermal area shows that there is a moderate to high agreement for lineament extraction from NATIONAL DEM data and low to moderate agreement for lineament extraction from SRTM data. The lineament distribution showing moderate to high density occupies the southern, eastern, and western parts of the Suwawa geothermal area. The presence of a lineament controls the circulation of geothermal fluids in the Suwawa geothermal area.

Keywords: Model, Geothermal, Geology, Lineament, Structure.

Manyoe, I. N., & Hutagalung, R. (2022). Application of Lineament Density Extraction Based on Digital Elevation Model for Geological Structures Control Analysis in Suwawa Geothermal Area. Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology, 7(3), 117-123.

Indexed in Sinta, S2.

The landforms in the Gorontalo area are only limited to the physiographic division of Gorontalo. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the geomorphological characteristics of the research area to obtain detailed data that can be used as basic data for the theoretical purposes of Gorontalo geomorphology and disaster applications. The method used in this research is field observation and visual interpretation using satellite imagery, namely GeoEye (GoogleEarth) and Digital Elevation Model. Data analysis was carried out in the form of an analysis of the geomorphological condition of the research area supported by the results of image interpretation—determination of geomorphological units using the Van Zuidam classification. The results showed that the geomorphology of the study area consisted of six geomorphological units: structural hills, volcanic hills, denudational hills, denudational plains, fluvial plains, and marine plains. The morphography and morphometry of the research area are hilly, lowland, and coastal plains generally located at an altitude of 0-393 masl with slopes ranging from flat to extremely steep with a sloping pattern. The morphology of the landform units in the study area starts from the Early Miocene to the Holocene in the form of magmatism, volcanism, and exogenous processes. The presence of geological structures in the form of fractures and faults in geomorphological units and the influence of exogenous processes on landforms can be a reference in mapping the direction of mitigation in the research area, theoretically and practically.

Keywords: Flow Pattern; Geomorphological Unit; Morphochronology; Morphology; River Stadia.

Harun, B., Arifin, Y. I., & Manyoe, I. N. (2022). Karakteristik Geomorfologi Daerah Posso Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara dan Sekitarnya. Jambura Geoscience Review, 4(2), 145-157.

Indexed in Sinta, S3.

Tihu Village is located on the southern coast of Gorontalo and is included in an area prone to earthquakes and tsunamis. The impact of the earthquake and tsunami disaster can be in the form of loss of life and material. The losses incurred as a result of a disaster are usually caused by the local community's lack of responsiveness in dealing with an impending disaster. Mitigation efforts are needed in tsunami-prone areas to prevent casualties and material losses. Mitigation efforts can be carried out by socializing the earthquake and tsunami disaster and making tsunami evacuation routes. The programs implemented through this service activity are: 1) survey of potential disasters and identification of disaster-prone zones; 2) manufacture of disaster risk reduction information boards; 3) construction of evacuation route boards and assembly points; 4) Socialization of earthquake and tsunami disaster risk reduction; 5) Installation of evacuation route boards and assembly points.

Keywords: Disaster, Earthquake, Tsunami, Evacuation, Socialization.

Manyoe, I. N., Arifin, Y. I., Zainuri, A., Yunitasari, W. I., & Biya, N. S. F. (2022). Improving Disaster Mitigation Capability from an Early Age by Strengthening Disaster Literacy for Students at SD Negeri 10 Bonepantai Bone Bolango Regency. Aksara: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Nonformal, 8(2), 1263-1272.

Indexed in Sinta, S4.

Gorontalo has several geothermal manifestations, such as Lombongo, Pangi, Libungo, Hungayono and Tulabolo Timur. Research on geothermal areas must be carried out to obtain surface and subsurface information, then the geothermal areas can be further developed. The purpose of this study was to analyse the geochemistry water of the geothermal water in Tulabolo Timur, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province, Sulawesi, Indonesia. The research method is divided into field observations and laboratory analysis. Data processing using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) for cation and anion test. Data processing using Picaro Water Isotope Analyzer for isotope test. Subsurface temperature is determined using the geothermometer Na-K Giggenbach formula. The results of this research show that the fluid type of Tulabolo Timur geothermal area is chloride and the origin of fluid is from deep reservoir. Geothermal fluid when it approaches the surface is not affected by surrounding rocks. Tulabolo Timur geothermal fluids are categorized in the upflow zone. Geothermal fluid when it reaches the surface is diluted with meteoric water. Meteoric water is infiltrated below the surface in the recharge area, which is located in the north and south of the study area. The subsurface temperature of Tulabolo Timur is included in the high-temperature system.

Napu, S. S. S., Manyoe, I. N., & Arifin, Y. I. (2022, April). Geochemistry analysis of geothermal water in Tulabolo Timur, Sulawesi, Indonesia. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1003, No. 1, p. 012034). IOP Publishing.

Indexed in Scopus, Q4.