Determination of water availability and long growth period of maize plant in Boalemo Regency, Indonesia

18 February 2024 04:37:09 Dibaca : 8 Kategori : Abstract 2023

Nurdin1, A Rauf2, Y Rahim1, N Musa1, F Zakaria1, S Dude1, R Rahman1, A S Malatani1, R Mooduto1, S Mobilingo1 and Suryadi1 Hide full author list

Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 1241, International Conference on Agriculture, Environment and Food Security (AEFS) 2022, 27 October 2022, Medan, IndonesiaCitation Nurdin et al 2023 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1241 012003DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/1241/1/012003

AbstractThe lack of water availability and the short period of maize growth has the potential to be the main obstacles to achieving optimal production. Therefore, this research aimed to determine the water availability and long growth period (LGP) of maize plants in Boalemo Regency, which was included in the agrokilmat zone E2. Rainfall and temperature data from Saritani, Tangkobu, and Bubaa climate stations in Boalemo Regency were used over ten years, from 2012 to 2022. The soil profile moisture content data used pF 2.5 and pF 4.2 while the tool used Cropwat8.0. Furthermore, the determination of available water and LGP was conducted using a water balance table with the Thornwaite method. The results showed that the highest and lowest water availabilities were 556 mm and 118 mm at the Saritani and Tangkobu climate stations, with a maximum LGP of maize at 242 days and 181 days, respectively. Based on climate stations, the availability of water and the amount of LGP follow the pattern of Saritani climate station > Bubaa climate station > Tangkobu climate station.

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