Effect of slopes and compound NPK fertilizer on growth and yield of maize local varieties, relative agronomic and economic fertilizer effectiveness to inceptisol bumela, Indonesia
Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 2020, Vol. 6, No. 102, 18-28.
Nurdin1, Rayes Mochtar Lutfi2, Soemarno2, Sudarto2, Musa Nikmah3, Dunggio Muhajir3
1Doctorate Program of Agricultural Science, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
2Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
3Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Gorontalo State University, Gorontalo, Indonesia
Maize cultivation has been carried out on the mountainous slopes with high fertilizer inputs, but maize productivity is still low. This study investigates the effect of slope and NPK compound fertilization as well as the best combination of growth and yield of local maize, relative agronomic effectiveness (RAE) percentage and economic fertilizer effectiveness (EFE) ratio in Inceptisol Bumela Indonesia. Slope variations (0-8, 8-15, 15-35, >35%) are combined with compound NPK fertilizer levels (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 kg ha-1) with split plot design. Growth data was recorded for changes in plant height and leaves number from 7 DAP to 42 DAP, while yield and yield components are recorded at harvest. The results showed that slope and NPK compound fertilization can increase the growth and yield of maize plants. The combination of flat slopes and fertilizer level of 100 kg ha-1 was the best combination in increasing plant height and the leaves number, accelerate the age of male and female flowering flowers, cob weight, grain yield and percentage of cob weight to grain yields. This combination was also able to increase the percentage of RAE, the ratio of EFE subsidized and non-subsidized. If farmers will continue to cultivate maize on the sloping land, it was recommended to arrive at hilly land with a fertilizer level of 100 kg ha-1 only.
Keywords: Slope, fertilizer, NPK compound, growth, yield, maize.
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