Land Suitability and Farmer Perception on Maize Cultivation in Limboto Basin Gorontalo Land Suitability and Farmer Perception on Maize Cultivation in Limboto Basin Gorontalo

18 February 2024 17:03:33 Dibaca : 30 Kategori : Abstract 2013

Conference Paper: Proceeding International Maize Conference in Gorontalo-Indonesia 2013

Bahtiar2, J. Husain1, H. Kasim2, and Nurdin3

1Research Scientist at Soil Science Department Faculty of Agriculture Sam Ratulangi University Manado 95115 Indonesia

 2Agricultural Extension Officer at Technological Examination and Implementation Office, Kalasey Manado, Indonesia

3Research Scientist at Gorontalo State Universitty


Agropolitan program, leads by increasing maize production, has been promoted in Gorontalo. Such effort requires, among others, study on spatial land suitability. The objectives of this study were to determine land suitability for maize in Limboto Basin and to spatially present the quality of land units to the plant (maize) requirements. Farmer perception on maize cultivation is also generated. Standard field and laboratory procedures have been performed to characterize land suitability for maize. Besides, geographical information system has been employed to delineated the spatial availability. Among 35,594 ha evaluated area in Limboto Basin Gorontalo, 21,233 ha is categorized as fairly suitable for maize while 14,361 ha is classified as marginally suitable for maize. Majority of the observed farmers were in favor to cultivate maize on their farmland.

Keywords: farmer perception, land suitability, maize cultivation.