Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Jagung Hibrida Varietas NASA 29 pada Beberapa Kelas Lereng dan Dosis Pemupukan di Desa Bumela Kabupaten Gorontalo
Jurnal Agroteknotropika, Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Abdul Kadir Lasiki1, Nurdin2, Indriati Husain2
1Alumni Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
2Dosen Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
This Studi aimed to determine the growth and yield of hybrid corn in several slope classes and fertilization doses in Bumela Village, District of Gorontalo. This research took place in Bumela Village, District of Gorontalo. Implementation time started from December 2019 to April 2020. This stdyused a Separate Plot Design (SPD) with the main plots of slope classes, namely: L1 or flat slope (0-8%), L2 or undulating slope (8-15%), L3 or hilly slopes (15-35%), and L4 or steep slopes (>35%). Meanwhile, the sobplots are are the dosage of NPK fertilizer (compoud) consisted of P0 or control (0 kg/ha), P1 (50 kg/ha), P2 (100 kg/ha), P3 (150 kg/ha), and P4 (200 kg/ha). The treatment was repeated 3 times resulted in 60 treatment combinations, data analyisis was conducted using Duncan Multiple Range Test at the 5% significance level. The result showed that the class of flat slope (0-8%) and no fertilizer affected the growth of corn. There was an interaction between slope class (0-8%) and no fertilizer on the growth and yield of corn.
Keywords: slope class, fertilizer dosage, hybrid corn variety.
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- Buku
- Kiprah Tugas Pembantuan ASN-Dosen
- Kunjungan Luar Negeri
- Mata Kuliah
- Project 2009
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- Project 2019
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- Project 2021
- Project 2022
- Publikasi Ilmiahku
- Soil Scientist from Gorontalo
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- o-Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
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- z10-SIAT UNG
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- z22-BPS Provinsi Gorontalo
- z23-BPS Kabupaten Boalemo
- z24-BPS Kabupaten Bone Bolango
- z25-BPS Kabupaten Gorontalo
- z26-BPS Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara
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