Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan untuk Pengembangan Pisang di Kabupaten Boalemo, Gorontalo

21 February 2024 21:42:36 Dibaca : 230 Kategori : Abstract 2011

Jurnal Ilmiah Agropolitan, Vol 4 No 2, September 2011: 504-512


Staf Pengajar Program Studi Agroteknologi Universitas Negeri Gorontalo


Banana is one of the export commodities important, but most farmers were cultivated as a side commodity only. The objective of the study was to evaluate the land suitability for banana development and its limiting factors. This study was done with four stages, i.e data collection, laboratory analysis, data compilation, and data interpretation. Land suitability using matching approach and tools of geographical information system (GIS) software. Determining od land suitability classes using FAO (1976) framework od land evaluation. The result shown that land suitability for banana was classified as suitable (S) widely od 204,696.99 ha and widely of 13,999.53 ha od not suitable (N). The limiting factors for banana development were erosion jazard, water and oxygen availability, and root condition.

Keywords: Suitability, class, land, banana
