ARSIP BULANAN : February 2024

Journal of Tropical Soils, Vol 19, No 1, 2014: 17-24.


Agrotechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Gorontalo State University

Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.6 Kota Gorontalo 96122, Indonesia


The research was aimed to study effect application of sea sand (SS), coconut coir (CC) and banana coir (BC) on the growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) planted at Ustic Endoaquert soil. The pot experiment was carried out using a factorial design with 3 factors. The first factor was SS consisted of three levels i.e.: 0%, 25%, and 50%. The second and third factors were CC and BC, each consisted of three levels i.e.: 0, 10, and 20 Mg ha-1. Application of SS and BC significantly increased leaf length where the highest increasing  percentage  was  16.47%  which  was  achieved  at  25%  SS  application.  Their  effect  on  leaf numbers and tiller numbers were relatively not similar pattern where leaf number only increased about 65.52% by BC application, while tiller numbers only increased about 10.77% by SS application. Furthermore, the application of CC and BC significantly increased panicle numbers to 29.53% and 29.05%, respectively compared to control. All ameliorants significantly increased panicle numbers, but the best was CC with the increasing up to 46.49% at 20 Mg ha-1 CC compared to SS or BC application. However, only coconut coir significantly increased the rice grain numbers.

Keywords: Banana coir, coconut coir, rice plant, sea sand, vertisol.

Terakreditasi Dikti:

Research in Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries, 3(1), 15–26.

Fauzan Zakaria,  Nurdin

Faculty of Agriculture, State University of Gorontalo


National rice production needs to be improved and maintained to meet the demands of fast growing population. One of the ways to meet this demand is through cultivating the rain fed land in many areas which its physical characteristics are challenging factor. This research aims at finding out the feedback of the rice production on the calcium fertilizer following the administration of river sand, beach sand, coco peat, and banana peat in ustic endoaquert. This research is implemented in rain fed field composed of vertisol soil in Sidomukti village of Mootilango Gorontalo, Indonesia. The subjects are randomly chosen and the treatments are separately implemented in two sub-group of vertisol soil. There are five treatments that were repeated three times, thus, there are 15 pieces of trials in each sub-vertisol groups. This research reveals that the administration of K fertilizer following the administration of river sand, beach sands, coco peat, and banana trunks fiber has significant effect on the number of grain, the weight of 1000 grains and the total weight of the grains. Meanwhile, the administration of K fertilizer following the administration of beach sand, coco peat and banana peat has significantly influenced the number of stalk, the length of stalk, and the total weight of the grains.

Keywords: Calcium fertilizer, Potassium, Rice Productivity, Ustic endoaquert



Jurnal DialogPenanggulangan Bencana, Volume 9 No. 2 Tahun 2018



This paper aims to assess the risk and action of climate change adaptation of specific food security sectors in Boalemo Regency based on the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number P.33/MENLHK/Setjen/Kum.1/3/2016 on Guidelines for Climate Change Adaptation Action Formulation. Climate change is a necessity and has happened this earth. The impact of climate change on national food security occurs coherently, ranging from negative effects on resources (land and water), agricultural infrastructure (irrigation), to production systems through decreasing productivity, planting area and harvest. On the other hand, farmers have limited resources and ability to adapt to climate change. This requires concrete action by all stakeholders collectively in addressing the issue of climate change impacts. It is proposed to the District Government of Boalemo to address local climate change events with prioritization of adaptation options based on consideration of resource availability and constraints on the implementation of each adaptation option, including: (1) building of embungs, reservoirs and bending, drip irrigation, mulch, (2) development of draenase, improvement of irrigation, (3) adaptive seed breeding, use of organic fertilizer, (4) utilization of biopesticides, (5) alternative animal feeding training, and (6) consultation with mantri, animal age recording and calculation feed requirement. These efforts will be more useful if the rate of climate change does not exceed the ability to adapt. Anticipation and adaptation efforts need to be balanced with mitigation, ie efforts to reduce the source and increase the sink (absorber) of greenhouse gases.

Keywords : Risk, adaptation, climate change, food security.

Conference Paper, Seminar Nasional, Pekan Pembangunan Pertanian, Pertanian Berkelanjutan dalam Mendukung Ketahanan PanganDaerah dan Nasional, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Ichsan Gorontalo, Gorontalo 22 – 24 Maret 2018.


Staf Pengajar Jurusan Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Negeri GorontaloJl. Jend Sudirman No. 6 Kota Gorontalo


Rice crops require sufficient amount of water for their development, but water is often a limitingfactor if it is grown on dry Vertisol soils. The study aimed to determine the monthly wateravailability and water available of soil profiles for paddy on Endoaquert Ustic of Paguyaman. Theresearch was conducted on 2 pedon of Vertisol soil profiles, which were pedon from SidomuktiVillage of Mootilango District of Gorontalo Regency and from Sosial Village of PaguyamanDistrict of Boalemo Regency. The soil profile was constructed and sampled according to soil surveyprinciples. Climate data were collected from the Sidodadi and Molombulahe climate stations,including: rainfall data (mm), temperature (°C), relative humidity (%) and wind speed (km hour-1).Soil data used, including: soil water content of field capacity (pF = 2.5) and permanent wilting point(pF = 4.2) and root depth on 30 cm (rice roots). Monthly water availability analysis was using waterbalance method followed by water balance of soil profiles. The results showed that monthly wateravailability of Vertisol from Sidomukti Village was higher than Vertisol from Social Village. Wateravailable of Vertisol soil profile from Sidomukti Village more by 41.09% compared to Vertisolfrom Social Village.

Keywords: Water availability, profile, soil, Vertisol

Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (JPKM), Volume 25 No. 2, April - Juni 2019: 103-111.

Nurdin1, Fitriah S. Jamin1, Siswatiana R. Taha2, Amelia Murtisai3

1Jurusan Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia

2Jurusan Peternakan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia

3Jurusan Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesi


Peningkatan populasi ternak sapi dapat dilakukan melalui kegiatan Inseminasi Buatan (IB) yang diharapkan juga dapat meningkatkan hasil kotoran ternak (feases) sebagai sumber bahan baku pupuk organik. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk: (1) meningkatkan populasi ternak sapi sebagai penghasil bahan baku pupuk organik, dan (2) meningkatkan pengetahuan Kelompok Tani Sumber Rezeki dalam pembuatan pupuk organik. Kegiatan ini dimulai bulan Maret sampai Agustus 2019 di Desa Bualo Kecamatan Paguyaman Kabupaten Boalemo. Kegiatan ini terdiri dari: (1) Kegiatan IB terhadap sapi induk yang sehat dan siap (masa birahi) oleh inseminator., dan (2) Pembuatan pupuk organik yang dilakukan melalui kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan. Sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan, dilakukan tes tingkat pengetahuan tentang pupuk organik kepada 25 orang peserta pelatihan yang dianalisis menggunakan Skala Likert. Bahan pembuatan pupuk organik meliputi: limbah jagung, bungkil kakao, feases, urin, EM4, gula dan air. Semua bahan dicampur merata dalam bak fermentasi, ditutup dengan terpal dan dibiarkan selama 3 minggu. Selama kegiatan berlangsung, antusias peserta dalam mengikuti seluruh kegiatan sangat tinggi dengan capaian 100%. Kegiatan IB telah menghasilkan sebanyak 12 ekor sapi bunting. Kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada petani di Kelompok Tani Sumber Rezeki telah mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang pembuatan pupuk organik dengan capaian sebesar 88,0% dari total peserta pelatihan.Kata kunci: Populasi, Sapi, Inseminasi Buatan, Pengetahuan, Pupuk Organik. Abstract Increasing cattle population can be done through Artificial Insemination (IB) activities which are also expected to increase livestock manure yields (feases) as a source of raw material for organic fertilizer. This activity aims to: (1) increase the population of cattle as a producer of raw materials for organic fertilizer, and (2) increase the knowledge of Sumber Rezeki Farmer Groups in making organic fertilizer. This activity began in March to August 2019 in Bualo Village, Paguyaman District, Boalemo Regency. This activity consists of: (1) IB activities towards healthy and ready mother cows (incubation period) by inseminators, and (2) Making organic fertilizer carried out through training and mentoring activities. Before and after the training, a knowledge level test about organic fertilizer was conducted on 25 trainees who were analyzed using a Likert Scale. Organic fertilizer manufacturing materials include: corn waste, cocoa meal, feases, urine, EM4, sugar and water. All ingredients are mixed evenly in a fermentation tank, covered with tarpaulin and left for 3 weeks. During the activity, participants' enthusiasm in participating in all activities was very high with 100% achievement. IB activities have produced as many as 12 pregnant cows. Training activities and assistance to farmers in the Sumber Rezeki Farmer Group have been able to increase knowledge about making organic fertilizer with an achievement of 88.0% of the total training participants.

Keywords: Population, Cow, Artificial Insemination, Knowledge, Organic Fertilizer.

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