Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Jagung yang Dipupuk N, P, dan K pada Tanah Vertisol Isimu Utara Kabupaten Gorontalo
Journal of Tropical Soils, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2009: 49-56.
Nurdin, Purnamaningsuh Maspeke, Zulzain Ilahude, Fauzan Zakaria
Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Gorontalo
The fertilizer availability as source of N, P, and K nutrient where plant responsif was difficult found by farmer. Thefore, It was needed information about nutrient availability in soil properties to know nutrient deficiency of its by maize as plant indicator. The objective of this research was to study the respons of N, P, and K fertilizers and the best combination of it on the growth and yield of Maize. The research conducted at Udic Pellusterts in North Isimu Tibawa District of Gorontalo Regency. The experi- mental design was following random block design that consist of 5 treatments with 3 replications. The result of this research showing that minus N, P, and K fertilizers have a significantly effect on plant age polination, the percentage of height stem of an ear of corn to plant height and dry straw weight but did not have significantly effect on plant height and the weigh of one hundred grain of Maize. To improve the growth and yield of Maize using fertilizing without P treatment were 250 kg Urea ha-1 and 75 kg KCl ha-1 or completely dosage were 250 kg Urea ha-1, 100 kg TSP ha-1 and 75 kg KCl ha-1 as the best fertilizers combination.
Terakreditasi Dikti:
Development and Rainfed Paddy Soils Potency Derived from Lacustrine Material in Paguyaman, Gorontalo
Journal of Tropical Soils, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2011: 267-278.
Department of Agrotechnology, Agriculture Faculty of Gorontalo State University, Jend Sudirman St. No. 6, Gorontalo City 96212
Rainfed paddy soils that are derived from lacustrine and include of E4 agroclimatic zone have many unique properties and potentially for paddy and corn plantations. This sreseach was aimed to: (1) study the soil development of rainfed paddy soils derived from lacustrine and (2) evaluate rainfed paddy soils potency for paddy and corn in Paguyaman. Soil samples were taken from three profiles according to toposequent, and they were analyzed in laboratory. Data were analyzed with descriptive-quantitative analysis. Furthermore, assessment on rainfed paddy soils potency was conducted with land suitability analysis using parametric approach. Results indicate that all pedon had evolved with B horizons structurization. However, pedon located on the summit slope was more developed and intensely weathered than those of the shoulder and foot slopes.The main pedogenesis in all pedons were through elluviation, illuviation, lessivage, pedoturbation, and gleization processes. The main factors of pedogenesis were climate, age (time) and topography factors. Therefore, P1 pedons are classified as Ustic Endoaquerts, fine, smectitic, isohypertermic; P2 as Vertic Endoaquepts, fine, smectitic, isohypertermic; and P3 as Vertic Epiaquepts, fine, smectitic, isohypertermic. Based on the potentials of the land, the highest of land suitability class (LSC) of land utilization type (LUT) local paddy was highly suitable (S1), while the lowest one was not suitable with nutrient availability as the limiting factor (Nna). The highest LCS of paddy-corn LUT was marginally suitable with water availability as the limiting factor (S3wa), while the lower LSC was not suitable with nutrient availabily as the limiting factor (Nna).
Keywords: Corn; lacustrine; land suitability; paddy; rainfed paddy soil.
Terakreditasi Dikti:
Penggunaan Lahan Kering di DAS Limboto Provinsi Gorontalo untuk Pertanian Berkelanjutan
Jurnal Litbang Pertanian, 30(3), 2011: 98-107
Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman No. 6, Kota Gorontalo 96122
Lahan kering merupakan salah satu agroekosistem yang berpotensi besar untuk USAha pertanian. Daerah aliransungai (DAS) Limboto mempunyai lahan kering yang sesuai untuk pengembangan pertanian seluas 37.049 ha,sedangkan lahan datar sampai bergelombang yang potensial untuk pertanian 33.144 ha. Untuk memanfaatkanlahan kering tersebut, dapat diterapkan beberapa strategi dan teknologi yang meliputi: 1) pengelolaan sistem budidaya, yang mencakup pengelompokan tanaman dalam suatu bentang lahan mengikuti kebutuhan air yang sama,penentuan pola tanam yang tepat, pemberian mulsa dan bahan organik, pembuatan pemecah angin, dan penerapansistem agroforestry, 2) pengembangan ekonomi, sosial, dan budaya melalui penyuluhan, penyediaan sarana danprasarana produksi serta permodalan petani, pemberdayaan kelembagaan petani dan penyuluh, serta penerapansistem agribisnis, dan 3) implementasi kebijakan yang berpihak kepada pertanian, yang meliputi pemberian subsidikepada petani di daerah hulu untuk melaksanakan konservasi lahan, pemberian subsidi pajak kepada petani didaerah hulu, penetapan peraturan daerah yang berkaitan dengan pengelolaan lahan berbasis konservasi, danpengelolaan lahan dengan sistem hak guna USAha (HGU). Hal lain yang terpenting dalam pemanfaatan lahan keringadalah sinkronisasi dan koordinasi antarinstitusi pemerintah dengan melibatkan petani untuk menghindari tumpangtindih kepentingan.
Kata kunci: Lahan kering, penggunaan lahan, pertanian berkelanjutan, daerah aliran sungai, Limboto, Gorontalo
Terakreditasi LIPI:
Antipasi Perubahan Iklim untuk Keberlanjutan Ketahanan Pangan
Jurnal Dialog Kebijakan Publik, Edisi 4, November 2011
Ketua Jurusan Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas NegeriGorontalo, Jln Jenderal Sudirman No. 6, Kota Gorontalo 96122
Pertanian merupakan sektor penyedia pangan yang tidak pernah lepas dari berbagai persoalan, baik persoalan ekologi, ekonomi, sosial dan budaya, bahkan persoalan kebijakan politik. Hal ini tidak berlebihan karena pangan adalah kebutuhan pokok penduduk, terutama di Indonesia. Laporan BPS tahun 2010 menunjukkan bahwa jumlah penduduk Indonesia sudah mencapai 237,641,326 jiwa atau meningkat sebesar 15,21% dari tahun sebelumnya. Kondisi ini membutuhkan ketersediaan pangan yang cukup agar tidak menjadi salah satu penyebab instabilitas pangan nasional. Dalam rangka pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan terutama mempertahankan sekaligus meningkatkan produksi pangan, pada level lapangan masih banyak hambatan dan kendala yang dijumpai. Dari sekian banyak hambatan dan kendala tersebut, ada yang dapat ditangani melalui introduksi teknologi dan upaya strategis lainnya, tetapi ada pula yang sukar untuk ditangani terutama yang berkaitan dengan fenomena alam.
Kombinasi teknik konservasi tanah dan pengaruhnya terhadap hasil jagung dan erosi tanah pada lahan kering di sub das biyonga kabupaten gorontalo
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, 13(3), 2012: 245-252
Program Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Negeri GorontaloJl. Jend Sudirman 6 Kota Gorontalo 96122
Upland is one of land potentials for maize development, but most farmers were using upland without soil conservation, so the soil erosion is difficult controlling and productivity is decreasing. This research was aimed to find of soil conservation technique combinations which can minimize soil erosion and rising of maize yields. This research was carried out in Biyonga Sub-Watershed of Gorontalo Regency. Experimental was conducted in afactorial random block design with2 main factors, where first factor was contour cultivation and the second was strip cropping which each factors consisted of 5 treatments for manure and mulching with 3 replicates. Erosion box and their soil collector were used to measure of soil erosion. Results showed that contour cultivation is ±1.24 higher than strip cropping toincrease maize yields, but soil erosion was ±1.20 higher than strip cropping. The highest of maize yield was 5.82 ha-1 tahun-1 and their soil erosion was 1.34 ton ha-1 tahun-1. Soil erosion on the strip cropping was only 1.08 tonha-1 tahun-1 although maize yields were only 4.80 ton ha-1. The best dosage for manure and mulching were 10 ton ha-1 and 12 ton ha-1.
Keywords: erosion, strip, cropping, upland, maize
Terakreditasi LIPI:
- Abstract 2006
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- Soil Scientist from Gorontalo
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