Peningkatan Kualitas Pupuk Organik Produksi Kelompok Tani Rukun Sejahtera Di Desa Bualo Kecamatan Paguyaman Kabupaten Boalemo Provinsi Gorontalo
PEDULI, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 93-101, Sep. 2021.
Nurdin, Agustinus Moonti, Siswatiana Rahim Taha, Fitriah Suryani Jamin, Rival Rahman
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
Provision of organic fertilizers was done as an alternative to reduce dependence on inorganic fertilizers, even though they were substantive in nature. Apart from being one of the solutions to the scarcity of subsidized fertilizers, it was also an effort to increase agricultural production, as well as protect the plant environment from pollution and maintain soil fertility. The production of organic fertilizers from local agricultural waste has been proven and successfully carried out by farmer groups based on visual criteria that are fine-textured, black in color and smell of soil. Testing of the nutritional content of organic fertilizers has been carried out and the results prove that the minimum technical requirements for solid organic fertilizers have been met, so that larger scale production can be carried out by farmer groups. To follow up on this activity, suggestions that need to be made include: (a) the potential for agricultural waste from sugarcane and oil palm plantations that has not been used in the manufacture of organic fertilizers can be used as raw material, so that it will enrich the nutritional content and the novelty of this organic fertilizer; (b) the need for licensing for the production of organic fertilizer for farmer groups requires assistance from the instant dan associated with these authority dan regulation; and (c) the need for good and attractive packaging, so that it will market-oriented.
Key words: Quality, organic fertilizer, local raw materials.
Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Jagung Hibrida Varietas NASA 29 pada Beberapa Kelas Lereng dan Dosis Pemupukan di Desa Bumela Kabupaten Gorontalo
Jurnal Agroteknotropika, Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Abdul Kadir Lasiki1, Nurdin2, Indriati Husain2
1Alumni Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
2Dosen Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
This Studi aimed to determine the growth and yield of hybrid corn in several slope classes and fertilization doses in Bumela Village, District of Gorontalo. This research took place in Bumela Village, District of Gorontalo. Implementation time started from December 2019 to April 2020. This stdyused a Separate Plot Design (SPD) with the main plots of slope classes, namely: L1 or flat slope (0-8%), L2 or undulating slope (8-15%), L3 or hilly slopes (15-35%), and L4 or steep slopes (>35%). Meanwhile, the sobplots are are the dosage of NPK fertilizer (compoud) consisted of P0 or control (0 kg/ha), P1 (50 kg/ha), P2 (100 kg/ha), P3 (150 kg/ha), and P4 (200 kg/ha). The treatment was repeated 3 times resulted in 60 treatment combinations, data analyisis was conducted using Duncan Multiple Range Test at the 5% significance level. The result showed that the class of flat slope (0-8%) and no fertilizer affected the growth of corn. There was an interaction between slope class (0-8%) and no fertilizer on the growth and yield of corn.
Keywords: slope class, fertilizer dosage, hybrid corn variety.
Comparison of land suitability class for endemic Coffea liberica Pinogu HP. acquired using different methods and recommendations for land management in Pinogu Plateau, Bone Bolango Regency, Indonesia
SAINS TANAH - Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology, Vol 19, No 1 (2022)
Nurdin, Fauzan Zakaria, Mohammad A Azis, Yunnita Rahim, Rival Rahman, Mahmud Kasim
Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, State University of Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia
Coffee is a national strategic commodity that contributes to Indonesia’s foreign exchange, but its productivity remains low due to cultivation on low potential land. This study aimed to determine the land suitability of endemic liberica coffee using two different methods and formulate recommendations for land management in Pinogu Plateau. Thirteen land units were surveyed, and soil samples were collected and analyzed in the laboratory to identify the land characteristics. Land suitability classes (LSCs) were compared by limiting factor and parametric methods. Analysis using the limiting factor method showed that the actual LSCs for liberica coffee consisted of moderately suitable (S2) and marginally suitable (S3) classes. Efforts for improvement could increase the potential of LSC to became very suitable (S1) and S2 classes. Meanwhile, the assessment with the parametric method indicated that the LSC consisted of S1, S2, and S3 classes. These results revealed that the parametric method provides more realistic land characteristics than the limiting factor method. Land management II or the land that had a little limiting factor turned out to be more dominant with the recommendation of adding P and organic fertilizer.
Keywords: Land, suitability, coffee, liberica, endemic, Plateau, Pinogu
Scopus Q3 dan Sinta 1:
Pertumbuhan dan produksi jagung pulut lokal Gorontalo, efektivitas agronomi, dan ekonomi dengan pemberian pupuk organik di Bualo, Kabupaten Boalemo
Jurnal Agercolere, 4(2), 2022: 44-53.
Warman Tialo, Muhammad Arief Azis, Nurdin
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
Waxy maize is a source of local food for the community so that it can achieve food security, but its availability is still low. In addition, the cultivation of waxy maize so far still relies on inorganic fertilizers that have the potential to endanger public health. The purpose of this study was to analyze the growth and production of waxy maize, as well as to determine the effectiveness of agronomy and economy by applying organic fertilizer in Bualo Village, Boalemo Regency. The data obtained were designed in a randomized block design consisting of 11 treatments and 3 replications, so there were 33 experimental units. The results showed that the application of organic fertilizer of as much as 2,000 kg.ha–1 was able to increase the growth and production of the best waxy maize. Organic fertilizers, both agronomic and economical were classified as effective in increasing waxy maize production.
Keywords: Agronomy, Economy, Growth, Maize, Production, Waxy.
Pola Sebaran Retensi dan Ketersediaan Hara pada Toposekuen Lahan Jagung di Desa Pilolaheya, Kabupaten Bone Bolango
Jurnal Ecosolum, 11(1), 2022: 1-13.
Nurdin, Nangsi Ismail, Fitriah S. Jamin
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
Information on land quality as the basis for land management in maize cultivation at the site level is very important, but generally not always available. Study aimed to determine the distribution pattern of nutrient retention and availability in Pilolaheya Village, Bone Bolango Regency. This study used soil survey and deskwork methods to analyze data of nutrient retention (organic C-OC, pH, base saturation-BS, cation exchange capacity-CEC), total N, P2O5, and K2O for nutrient availability. The result shows that the distribution pattern of nutrient retention in corn topose sequences for soil pH on the lower slopes, base saturation on the lower and middle slopes tended to increase with soil depth, while soil pH on the upper slopes, OC and BS on the upper slopes tended to be the opposite., while the soil pH on the middle slope, OC on the lower and middle slopes, and the CEC of all slopes tended to be irregular with the depth of the soil. The distribution pattern of nutrient availability for Total N on the lower and middle slopes, and P2O5 on all slopes tends to be irregular with soil depth, while the total N on the upper slope tends to decrease with soil depth, while the distribution pattern of K2O on the middle and upper slopes tends to be the same, but inversely proportional to the distribution pattern on the downslope.
Keywords: Distribution, retention, availability, nutrient, toposequence.
Sinta 4:
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- Publikasi Ilmiahku
- Soil Scientist from Gorontalo
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- z24-BPS Kabupaten Bone Bolango
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