15 June 2023 17:58:44 Dibaca : 197 Kategori : PENDEKATAN KONSELING

By: Jumadi Mori Salam Tuasikal

  1. Scaling;
  2. Exceptions;
  3. Problem-free talk;
  4. Miracle question;
  5. Flagging the minefield
  6. I-messages;
  7. Acting as if;
  8. Spitting in the soup;
  9. Mutual storytelling;
  10. Paradoxical intention
  11. Empty chair;
  12. Body movement and exaggeration;
  13. Role reversal
  14. Visual/guided imagery;
  15. Deep breathing;
  16. Progressive muscle relaxation training (PMRT)
  17. Self-disclosure;
  18. Confrontation;
  19. Motivational interviewing;
  20. Strength bombardment
  21. Self-talk;
  22. Reframing;
  23. Thought stopping;
  24. Cognitive restructuring;
  25. Rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT);
  26. Bibliotherapy;
  27. Journaling;
  28. Systematic desensitization;
  29. Stress inoculation training
  30. Modeling;
  31. Behavioral rehearsal;
  32. Role play
  33. Premack principle;
  34. Behavior chartl
  35. Token economy;
  36. Behavioral contract
  37. Extinction;
  38. Time out;
  39. Response cost;
  40. Overcorrection